In the previous part, we were able to discern who gave us this purpose. It is always vital to know the origin of things before involving yourself with them. I also told you that there is a difference between goals and purpose and I explained and gave them.
It’s time we get to know what these purposes are and why everyone was created in this world. Unlike our goals we have the same purposes but have different ways of achieving them. For the mere fact that, no one on this planet is the same with another person; even identical twins are not the same. They differ with a lot of things like, voice, height, weight, body marks or spots, characters and behaviors etc. so also the route we use to achieve our purpose is different even if we are still after the same end results.


According to the Bible, “God created us to know Him, obey Him and to love him. Most people mistake achieving their goal to achieving their purpose and are driven by the following circumstance, emotions and values:

  1. GUILT—A lot of people let guilt rule their lives. They refuse to move forward by letting the past control them. They even spend their entire life running from their regret and shames. Guilt driven are manipulated by memories and unconsciously punish themselves by sabotaging their success. After Cain was casted away by God, he became a wonderer and that is what most people are doing, wondering through life without a purpose.
    Don’t ever be limited to your past because, we might be a product of our past, but we don’t have to be a prisoner to it. If God can turn a murderer like Moses to a leader, a persecutor like Saul to a preacher called Paul, a coward like Gideon to a hero; so what can’t He do for you? What is so bad about your past that makes you feel there is no forgiveness or remedy? God can forgive you and surely those you have hurt can also forgive you but firstly you must first forgive yourself. Guilt is not a good drive to achieve your goal.
  2. RESENTMENT, HATRED AND ANGER –They can’t let go of their hurt and one of the two can happen to them; they either internalize their anger and keep hurting themselves or they blow up or explode their anger on other people and these are both unhealthy and uncalled for.
    Hatred has a way of hurting the hater than the hated, because, the offender has most probably forgotten about their offence and have carried on with their lives, but you just keep holding on to the pain, making yourself sick day after day. It is always beat to learn from the past and let it go because those who have hurt you in the past cannot hurt you again unless you let them.
  3. FEAR –These set of people have gone through traumatic experience, growing up in a highly-controlled home, unrealistic expectations or inherited this fear from genetic traits. Notwithstanding the cause, these people often miss out in great opportunities because they want to play it safe and don’t want to risk or do anything outside the box.they can easily break out of this fear but because of the illusion this fear has webbed around then has become their own prison and reality, it’s hard for them. They must first realize that there is no reason to be afraid to break free from this fear.
  4. MATERIALISM AND GREED –This set of people don’t want to give but want to always receive. They are driven by the seal and fire to acquire more. They are so blinded by the concept that having more would make them happy, secure and protected, live long and be important but all that is a lie because it will only give you temporal comfort and nothing more. It cannot even buy you more or total protection or make you important in the sight of God; therefore, it is all vanity.
    “Vanity upon vanity is vanity”
    Know this “net worth and self-worth are not the same and cannot be the same”.
    The most valuable things in life are not things like gold, money, cloths gems, possession etc. but things you cannot see like love, faith, hope, joy, happiness, life and God. So why bother yourself with worthless things like that? Don’t you know that “your value is not determined by your valuables”?
  5. NEED FOR APPROVAL –This set of people are always worried about what people think about them and the achievement of their goals depend on what and what majority support. Unfortunately, those who follow the crowd, usually get lost in them.
    “I cannot tell you there is one particular key to success but I can tell you that one particular key to failure is trying to please everyone and not listening and trusting in oneself”.
    There are other circumstances that can drive your life but these are the five important ones and they all lead to the same thing; untapped potential, unfulfilled life and unnecessary stress.



  1. Zeal to work for God.
  2. Love for people around you
  3. Zeal to help others
  4. Prayer
  5. Faith in yourself and God
  6. Hope
  7. Faith
    All these are tools that will help you and make it easier to achieve your purpose in life.
  8. With purpose your life is simplified and you know where you are heading to in life.
  9. With purpose, you are focused
  10. With purpose, your life is motivated
  11. With purpose, you prepare for eternity.


Life without a purpose is motion without meaning, activity without direction and an event without reasons. Without purpose, life is trivial, petty and pointless.
Living to create an earthly legacy is a short sighted goal. A wiser use of time is to build an eternal legacy, because you were not put on earth to be remembered but to prepare yourself for eternity. This earth is just a warm up or heat for the main race after death. Only the winners of this warm up on earth, will qualify for the race in heaven, while the losers qualify for the one in hell. It’s your choice so decide fast and choose wisely.

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