The Purging


If you have not done so in a while now a great time to do it before winter comes. Many people see it as a chore to go in and clean up their witness, auto vote, delegations, and following list. Some even fear if they do this they will get hateful messages, flagged, and unfollowed themselves. To that, I say if all you where was a number to someone you are better off without them.


Many people don’t want to bother as their accounts are very small and won’t help impact the top 20. Well, I hate to burst your bubble there only a handful accounts that make or break the top 20 without a massive support network from the remaining accounts on Steemit. It is not an excess to not vote on at least one guy or gal.

I myself was at 30 and I’ve removed all but maybe 7 of the original ones I had. I’m now up to 15 and I’m more than happy with that number. You don’t need to have 30 either. Most can’t even keep up anyways with what is going on for the witness they vote for. You should at least a couple of times a year clean things up and maybe keep an eye out for anyone new with lots of fight in them to get stuff done.

What should you look for in a witness? Not my place to say you need to make up your own mind. Make a list of criteria and go out and take a look around. The how is also something I’m leaving up to you to work out.

Auto Voting

I personally don’t use this kind of service. With it getting colder outside for many there long summer breaks away from Steemit are coming to an end. You could have a bunch of people you added to whatever auto voting platform you are using 8 months ago and forgotten about come back. Don’t wake up to 50% VP and not enough RC to make a post. Best to clean things up now before they come back.


With this whole artificial shortage being created with RC if you are struggling call back some of your delegations. It’s easy you do what you did before expect you set vests to 0. No need to suffer yourself if you are truly in need. Even more so if you are already giving a large chunk of your SP to some massive account that really does not need it in the first place.

While I don’t use or fully endorse it myself. I’ve seen some people use a site like to help them with delegations. I’m no master of it. I just work out the URL bits whenever I need to do it. Which is not very often. Somehow I’ve managed to do it a couple of times without breaking the platform. Thank goodness for that I’m rather lazy simple.

If someone shows up at your doorstep requiring money, delegations, whatever tell them to fuck off. Even more so if you are some tiny account with like 50 SP and they demand 25 of it before they “help you”. You can help yourself thank you very much. Far better than some mindless organization promising you the world. If what you are doing is so great they would not require anything from you to support that amazing content you produce.

Keep in mind there is a difference between someone requiring delegations and places just letting people know it’s an option if they choose to. Any decent community out there will flat out tell a smaller account to just build up your SP first. They really don’t want you to delegate 25 of your 50 SP to them. They fully understand that is asking way too much and you need it more than anything they are going do with it.

I’ve personally had people in the past show up and I turned them down. You might notice I have some “paid for” community membership votes. I told them no (a few times even) and they paid out of pocket themselves because at the time my content was not total shit garbage and they wanted to support me. If your content is good enough you should not be paying for the privilege of some .001 upvote or whatever they are selling at your doorstep.

With that said I am delegating to a cause that I strongly believe in. They also sometimes vote on one kind of content I produce. I did not do it as a requirement and I was not even expecting anything in return. I simply did it to support the change they want to make. I’m also not here to mention them and bring attention either. Delegations can be complained such as the one I’m involved in with it having a few caveats to it. Things are also in the very early stages. Stuff takes time to grow far before asking for anything as a request and not a requirement.

Best to do your own research and if you really are under a few hundred SP chance are you really can’t afford to be deleting out anyways. Work on building your own self up first. If you can’t comment, post and upvote like you need to for growth. That SP is better off with you anyways. Focus on you first.

Following List

Many fear unfollowing someone will result in them unfollowing back. If all you were was number to someone you are better off without them. I keep my following low so my feed serves the purpose I need it to. That purpose changes from time to time and I do go on massive purging when that happens. My feed is to help me out not to drive me crazy.

If you don’t stay proactive in this you could end up following 5k accounts with no hopes of your feed having anything you care about. Those important people you enjoy reading you will miss out on unless you use another method to keep track of them. Don’t be the person who tells someone “I can’t wait for your next blog it was so wonderful” and then not realize they went missing for over 6 months and you had no clue. Far too many go inactive and no one said a dam thing as everyone was just too busy to even notice.


The screenshot was taken and content written by @enjar. The screenshot is from a game called Warframe.


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