Purging Time

I've no choice now. Procrastination is no longer an option.

I finally got the call from the contractor that they are coming on Tuesday. TUESDAY!! to empty my office and dining room. You see, I had some lovely water damage in April. Yes, you read it. April. It is now July. Don't you just love insurance companies? I had, believe it or not, two claims for water damage. One for the bathroom leak that caused my ceiling in my dining room to bubble and spill it's guts of excess water


and one in my basement caused by the crack in my foundation. Of course, we never thought to take an extra insurance on the foundation - sewer backup, yes; foundation failure, no. We had the joy of being flooded in our last house so of course, we took it in this new one.

The basement one was refused. Fine. I'll do what I have to do and c'est la vie. But the other one? Let's get things rolling, shall we? I called the insurance company. Oh, sorry, your agent is on vacation. Please call back in a week. Called back in a week and get no answer. Decide I shall become the client from hell and will call daily until she either picks up the damn phone or calls me back. Not bad, only took two days.

She asked me what she could do for me and I said, well, how about we get this damage repaired? She replied with a "What? the contractor did not contact you? Do let me look into it. Oh my goodness, would you believe they put the accepted claim with the rejected claim? Good thing you called me."


Of course the contractor had everything up and prepared but was waiting for the insurance company's okay. He (very nice, charming contractor) felt my floor was damaged by the water. I am not one to disagree... So next up was to meet with the floor chick to choose my new floor. She was late by one hour for our appointment and just as I was leaving my house for my next appointment, she drove up. While my friend waited for me on her porch, I quickly chose what I wanted. No way near the present blond maple I have but then again, the floor is 36 or so years old...

So weeks pass and I busy and figure they're busy, too. In the meantime, do I start putting stuff in boxes, preparing for the day I get the call that they are coming to pick up my stuff? Of course not. I am the Queen Procrastinator. By the way, the only reason they have to pick up my stuff and store it, is because I don't have a real garage in which to store stuff. It contains my heating system. And chest freezer. And shelves. And LOTS of stuff. But that's another story.

So now. It is Saturday. I am going to visit my mother-in-law in the hospital then off to dinner and a show at the Montreal Jazz Fest (Pink Martini - yay!) and tomorrow I work at 4 pm and Monday I work at 2:30 pm. Think maybe I should be doing the purge instead of writing about it?

A "few" cookbooks and photo albums and stuff.

Hello, my name is Dale and I am a cook book-aholic....

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