quantum liquid a hundred million times more diluted than water

While science advances, it will be possible to make more precise measurements and better understand the behavior of particles.

Scientists of the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) of Barcelona (northeast of Spain) created, from ultra-cold atoms, a quantum liquid a hundred million times more diluted than water and a million times less dense than air.

The scientific achievement, published in the journal Science, uses a quantum effect to produce drops formed by mixing two gases of potassium atoms cooled to -273.15 degrees Celsius, which is the temperature closest to the absolute zero that can be reached .

THIS IS VERY SURPRISING: The quantum liquid has the atoms very far from each other, so it is much more diluted than water so that, according to Tarruell, "the quantum drops that occupy a spoon, if they had the same density of water, they would occupy an entire Olympic pool. "

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