Kane our new boy

We recently got a new puppy called Kane, it's been a few months since losing my girl sasha. She unfortunately died getting hit by a car we we're woken up by the person who had hit her walking into our house one night. We had no idea she had gotten out the wind had blown our door open and it was garbage night. That was a horrible evening. She was gone by the time I got to her. That being said I'm thankful to the guy who did stop. You see we live in the country where pet hit and runs are super common much to our dislike. She was an Australian Shepherd.

Fast forward to now we decided to get a syberian huskey pup. He's very intelligent. We've had him home about a week now, and he's already learned to go pee and poop outside. Fetch and bring the ball back. He also recently learned to climb some of our stairs. I thought I'd share him to you guys enjoy! PS, the bottom pic is when I brought him to my work with me as you can see he passed right out lol.



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