We introduce ourselves! First Post with my best friend "BULL"

Hi everyone!

My name is Gonzalo, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and this is the first post I do at Steemit.

I want to share with this community, all the adventures and anectodas of my dog ​​Toro. He is 1 1/2 years old, and he has changed my life since I've known him.

Who is Toro?


What's he like?

What most characterizes Toro is how playful he is. No matter what situation he is in, maybe there is an awkward silence, and all he wants is to play 'catch the ball'.

He is the oldest of a litter of 8 puppies (3 females and 5 males), and his name is Toro because when he was born he was so chubby he looked like a bull. That's why we put him "Toro" (bull in spanish)

I hope you liked this little introduction. I will continue doing posts about Toro so you can enjoy him as much as I do every day.

See you soon!

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