Toro & I - The first time we met!

First of all, you should know that, although I love dogs, I didn't want to have one in this time of my life. I live in a very small apartment in the center of the city, and between college and work, I wasn't going to have much time to take care of a puppy, and I didn't want him to suffer for that.

However, life surprises you when you least expect it!

It turns out that my uncles didn't find anyone who wanted to have a puppy, and as they know my weakness for the animals, they asked me if I could take care of one of the 2 last puppies that were homeless, until they found someone to take care of him.

This is how they asked me:


Now, how can I say no to that?

As you can imagine, it wasn't very difficult to convince me. Come on! You could even rob a bank with something like that in your hands. I mean, who could refuse to give you the money? (maybe a cat I suppose)

Anyway, now I have a roommate who pays me the rent eating my socks, moving his tail, and giving me kisses so effusive that hurts. And I can't get enough of it.
I know... it's a fair deal, right? I almost feel like I should pay him instead. hahaha

I hope you liked this post,

See you soon!

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