Self-Publishing Industry and the scam-artist

Self-Publishing has always been open to abuse from scam artists and fraudsters. Though the VAST majority of self-publishing companies are legit and honourable, it's a worry for the Author when they are trying to navigate the minefield of 'Vanity Press' and the like.

I've spotted an article 'outing' another problem publisher.


Blue Deco Publishing are the subject of complaints for late or missing royalty payments and royalty statements, inadequate marketing and the difficulty in reaching the owner for responses on the issues.

What is especially unusual in this case is that a group of authors have started an online petition to try to get the issues addressed and sorted.

The Author's Guild have also been asked to step in and the Guild's attorneys have made contact with the owner.

Unfortunately, when a business such as this gets into difficulties, it often seems like 'Robbing Peter to pay Paul' will help - and maybe it does, in the short-term. Unfortunately, things eventually catch up and the Piper (Authors) must be paid - or not, as in some cases - and Authors are left with a handful of promises that aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

There are too many con-men (and women) out there trying to prey on the sensitive artists of the world.

I think the most useful tip I've heard in a while is this:

Search Google for the publishing company you're thinking of publishing with. Use this method of search - Company Name scam and if there are a few hits for that company - reviews from clients and customers who have been scammed - then avoid the company like the plague!

If you know an Artist, take a look at their work, take time over it, study it, and then tell them their work is awesome - believe me, it will mean the world to them.

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