The Public Education Abomination

This was originally published by The Unfake Media at

The idea of public education has been so cemented into society, that most people think it is unthinkable not to have government controlled schools but this idea most be put to death and cast into the fire.

People are held at gun point to have their money stolen from them by the government to fund the kidnapping of children to be indoctrinated into the communist delusions of the state.

The public fool system is not set up to teach youth how to be self-sufficient but to be obedient slaves of the system. It is a system of memorizing your mind control and regurgitating it.

If we look to the past, we can say that the one room school-house of the olden days that where run by the community have nothing in common with this beast that we have now. The one room school of the olden days is not ideal but is it is far better than the horrible abomination that we have now.

All public education should be outlawed and the only schooling that should exist is home schooling and private schooling. Years ago people had a lot more influence of their kids since they had them at home before they went off to school but now because of the fraud federal reserve system parents are forced to both work. If you are sending your kids to public school, it is better for to sell your house and move into a smaller one than to have your kids permanently damaged.

It has been pretty bad in the public schools for a long time, but now with the insane LGBT agenda creeping into ever aspect of our lives we have seen that Canada has schools teaching kids that they can change their gender like they change their shirt. One radical sex ed curriculum in Canada was co penned by a convicted child sex offender, here is link to an article about that.

In public schools all over they are teaching young children how to engage in all mater of unappropriated things that should never be taught in school but by the parents of the children when they are mature enough for that topic.

In lots of public schools, they are starting to require the forced vaccination aka poising of children that go to the school. This is one of the many reasons that you should not be sending your kids to public school.

Public schools are a breeding ground for all sorts of bad behavior when kids have been sitting still for hours and not moving they build up lots of energy that is tending to result in negative actions. Also there is the peer pressure that causes kids to get into very bad habits like drugs and crime.

The public schools in America are a Rockefeller funded attack on the people and a tool for creating cogs in the machine of this New World Order.

How can people think that public education aka indoctrination is a good thing?

For a lot of these parents, they are just to lazy and too self-centered to take the time to home school there kids. We understand that some people are living pay check to pay check and have to work as much as possible to put food on the table and can’t home school. This is all by design; the government is doing economic warfare against the people and they want you dependent on their fraud system to stay alive

The abolishing of the public school system would be a huge blow to the New World Order so that should be one of the things that you strive to bring about.

It does not look hopeful that public schools are going away any time soon but you can do your part and boycott the horrible institution by taking your kids out and giving them a proper education by homeschooling them!

They steal so much money from the people to fund the public education abomination and the size and unnecessary extravagance of these schools is outrageous!

If you think it is the government’s goal to produce independent free thinking people then you are very wrong. It has been getting worse and worse in the public school where they are suspending kids for bringing nail clippers to school since they are considered “dangerous” here is more info on that.

Compulsory education should be illegal, it is up to the parents to decide what kind of education there children get.

They used to teach more practical things in public school like shop class and other things that truly benefited the child but now they are giving idiotic classes about “White Privilege” and all kinds of other nonsense.

We can’t reform the public school system or fix it must be totally abandoned because it is based on a system of theft and extortion to fund it’s operations.

The left will cry out that we need to pump more money into public schools and that public school teachers are the bastion of greatness. Note that we do not fall for the false left right paradigm and we call out the controlled left and the controlled right.

Be thankful that in most of the USA people can still have the option of homeschooling there kids but that is not the case in a lot of countries around the world and it is quickly becoming harder to home school in the USA with the ever-growing regulations.

The NWO wants to create a global education system so that they have even more control over the people and so that their brainwashing can be fully cemented.

One of the major reasons for the Public Education Abomination is to prepare and brainwash people for Agenda 2030. Here is an outline of what that is.

Our world is being changed at a very rapid pace; and we are undergoing the biggest change in human history. They have been slowly working to further the goals of agenda 2030 for a long time, but now they are really ramping things up to get this wicked control system fully implemented. The number one buzzword of this agenda is sustainable development and when ever you see that word you know that there is an agenda there.

Here are the 17 globalist goals of agenda 2030

  1. NO POVERTY this essentially equals a global cashless currency and a universal basic income.

  2. NO HUNGER = full control over food production and the implementing of Biotech and GMOs.

  3. GOOD HEALTH = pharmaceuticals, mandatory vaccines and a government approved diet.

  4. QUALITY EDUCATION this ties right back into what we were saying earlier about a global unified education system.

  5. GENDER EQUALITY = LGBT agenda insanity plus feminism and the destruction of the family.

  6. CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION = more government control over water and waste disposal. This can be seen in some states like Colorado that outlaw the collecting of rainwater. The other part of this issue can be seen in all the insane zoning laws that make it hard or illegal to use composting toilets and outhouses.

  7. RENEWABLE ENERGY = banning of conventional energy, restriction on energy usage and more taxation/theft to pay for government-owned solar farms and wind farms. They also have been suppressing alternative free energy technologies so there would be no energy crisis if they would let the technolgies out.

  8. GOOD JOBS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH = More government control over the economy and more centralization of the economy.

  9. INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE = self-driving cars, mega smart cities, the internet of things, trans-humanism, global surveillance system and more government housing

  10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES = wealth redistribution, pulling productive people down and lifting unproductive people up, affirmative action, demonizing the majority and glorifying the minority, white privilege and guilt programming, feminism, extra rights for LGBT and a universal basic income.

  11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES = smart “sustainable” mega cities, getting people out of the country and into the city and the banning of private property.

  12. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION = food rationing and rationing of goods and services.

  13. CLIMATE ACTION = pushing the global warming myth, carbon taxes, weather modification and sustainable development.

  14. LIFE BELOW WATER = ban fishing without government approval at approved locations, more regulations on water usage and just tons of other rules and regulations violating your rights.

  15. LIFE ON LAND = restriction of access to most rural areas, getting people off the land and into the city, doing away with private property and endless regulations on land usage.

  16. PEACE AND JUSTICE = gun control and the eventual banning of guns, globalized “justice” system and an even worse police state with martial law.

  17. PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS = one world global government.

These are all things that have and will be conditioned into in the minds of the masses by the public education abomination.

As you can see from reading the true agendas behind all of these goals, they want to enslave humanity into total slavery. They also want to depopulate a major amount of the population so as to make control for them even easier.

We are already living in the New World Order and something that has played a big part in getting us this far into this nightmare is the public education abomination. That is why we think it is important to expose the public school agenda so that hopefully more people will see what it does to society and children and take their kids out, which will hopefully lead to more people who will be awake to this NWO and we will have more of a chance in slowing down the progress of agenda 2030 and the New World Order.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2017.
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