Pubg mobile canada

PUBG has become a cultural phenomenon at this point, such that even mobile users are flocking to try out the game on their devices. The English variant of PUBG mobile, which was initially released only in China, had launched for Android devices a couple days ago. However, iOS device users will now also be able to join the fun as Tencent has released PUBG Mobile on the App Store as well.


Just like the Android version of this game, Tencent has currently restricted the iOS launch to Canada as well. Since PUBG Mobile is currently in beta and not available globally, you’d have to be a little sneaky to download and play PUBG Mobile on your iOS devices. Here are the steps you need to follow to download the game:

First, you need to change your App Store country. Navigate to Settings > [your name at the very top] >iTunes & App Store.

  1. Tap on your Apple ID, followed by “View Apple ID” from the pop-up menu. You’ll be asked to authenticate your credentials.

  2. Tap on the ‘Country/Region’ option and select Canada, then tap “Next” to review all the updates privacy policies. You may also need to provide a billing address to complete this process.

  3. Now that you’ve changed the App Store country to Canada, you can download ‘PUBG Mobile’ (Free on the App Store) to take down enemies and survive until the end.

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Lightspeed and Quantum Studios, the developers of PUBG: Exhilarating Battlefield have optimized the game extremely well. This is the central reason that the game has been made available on a wide spectrum of iOS devices, be it your notch king iPhone X (which is obviously a beast), low-end iPhone SE or a variety of iPads. So, if you download the game and are on the hunt for a squad member then count me in.

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