Grande Mar | Big Sea



Eu queria remar, velejar
Mas o vento virou meu barco
E as ondas estão a me empurrar
Eu queria nadar
Vencer a correnteza, a força do mar
Mas o peso da angústia,
só me faz afundar

○○○Segura a respiração○○○○○○○○○○○○○
○○○○○○Não chora agora○○○○○○○○○○○○○
○○○○○○○○O mar que está aqui dentro○○○
○○○○É bem maior que o de fora○○○○○○

Fecha os olhos
Não deixa a água entrar
O corpo afunda
Porque a alma quer mergulhar.



I wanted to row, sail
But the wind turned my boat
And the waves are pushing me
I wanted to swim
Overcoming the current, the strength of the sea
But the weight of anguish,
just make me sink

○○○Hold your breath○○○○○○○○○○○○○
○○○○○○Don't cry now○○○○○○○○○○○○○
○○○○○○○○The sea inside○○○
○○○○It's much bigger than the outside○○○○○○

Close the eyes
Don't let the water in
the body sinks
Because the soul wants to dive.

DALL·E 2023-04-04 21.39.17 - Aquarela painting portrait of a sad flower in sea blue royal on a dark background of smooke and stars.png

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