What is The Great Inversion?

Originally Published at The Conscious Resistance Network

To understand the insanity of current and upcoming geopolitical events you must understand The Great Inversion.

Over the last year I have begun to use the phrase "The Great Inversion", or, simply, The False Awakening. I have yet to explain why I use this term and what it exactly it means, though I am sure readers/viewers have mostly grasped it by now.

I define The Great Inversion as:

"A false awakening whereby the steadily waking masses of freedom lovers are duped (once more) into falling for fake heroes and messiahs, and stealthily manipulated into supporting their own enslavement."

Essentially, I believe the rise of actors like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and other figures is part of a false awakening taking place where many freedom lovers around the world are looking to these figures as the last line of defense against The Predator Class and the Technocratic State.

Despite the attacks on Trump and Musk, their actions reveal their true character. I have extensively documented the ways in which Donald Trump serves the swamp and is not a friend of liberty. Even as I write this, Donald Trump has just announced his pick for Vice President is J.D. Vance, a Zionist whose rise came as a result of $15 million dollars from Peter Thiel, the infamous tech bro from PayPal, the surveillance firm Palantir, and a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group.

I know this will be hard for some to accept in light of the assassination attempt, but read on.

Meanwhile, Musk promotes brain chips, transhumanism uses his Star Link satellites to support war in Ukraine, and, generally, promotes a vision of the world that looks very similar to the World Economic Forum's 4th Industrial Revolution.

I believe the bigger picture is that the Predator Class want Donald Trump to win the U.S. (s)election to create more false hope in disillusioned Americans, conservatives and libertarians who haven't quite seen what Trump actually represents. From there, we will see the push for more chaos before order is implemented.

For example, take the recent media switch to calling for Biden to step down as a candidate due to his horrible debate performance. There's no way that the Predator Class, the compliant corporate media, and the Democratic Party hacks didn't know what millions of Americans have known for more than a year.

The DNC (and their controllers) could have removed Biden a long time ago, but its more interesting and keeps the public's attention on the (s)election if every other day the headlines are, "Will he run?? Will he step aside?"

If Trump wins the election (as appears very likely), the powers-that-wish-they-were are able to pacify many freedom lovers who have fallen for The Trump Deception and trigger the heck out of the left again. We should expect more riots, more fighting in the streets, and more authoritarianism from Trump's administration.

Outlining The Great Inversion

I first heard the term Great Inversion from Christian content creator Probably Alexandra. Although I don't share her Christian perspective, I believe she is spot on in her analysis.

Following the assassination attempt, Alexandra reminded her readers of TGI:

"The concept of "The Great Inversion" suggests that major societal events are manipulated or staged to create a specific narrative or achieve certain objectives. Incidents of violence, especially involving prominent figures, instill fear and uncertainty among the population. This fear can be leveraged to introduce new policies, increase surveillance, or justify authoritarian measures. In this case, it will likely further the “light side agenda” of gaining control over current institutions and bringing about change. They want to shift the narrative and continue to further ‘the inversion’."

In an older blog, Alexandra defines TGI further:

"The Inversion represents the shift from the current world order to a newer world order, but not in the way most are conditioned to expect. It’s the inversion from ‘dark’ to ‘light’.

  • The Great Reset (dark) vs The Great Awakening (light)

Globalists make up most of what falls into the ‘dark’ side. They are identified by their beliefs. For the sake of this article, anyone (in the public eye) who is against Globalist ideals, would be considered to be for ‘the light’ side agenda and all it entails; the opposite.

At the moment, it is ‘Globalism’ (centralization, mass censorship, the Great Reset, etc) vs ‘Nationalism’(decentralization, free-ish speech, The Great Awakening, sovereignty, etc).

  • Inversion: the word ‘inversion’ means the action of inverting something or the state of being inverted; a reversal.

In some cases, inversion is the opposite - dark and light, hot and cold, etc. These opposites are poles of one another. Poles consist of two opposing ideas varying only in degree united by an axis."

This discussions of "poles" and ideas which appear opposed yet actually are aligned in one capacity or another is vital to our conversation. Just like the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States often appear diametrically opposed, we often see how they align when it comes to war, surveillance, support of Zionism, and, generally speaking, taking away the rights of the people. Sure, there are slight differences, but at the end of the day they serve the same masters.

Alexandra believes there have been inversions throughout humanity's history, but this current one represents a worldwide shift. Again, she discusses the poles of dark and light.

"The Great Inversion consists of two poles: dark and light. You can also think of the poles as the right or left hand joined by the body (axis). They are not independent of each other nor are they enemies. They work in a symbiotic relationship to accomplish a shared goal, no matter how messy that appears to be. The poles are joined by an axis, thus, the two can never be separated, they can only vary in degree.

They divide in order to conquer."

I agree with Alexandra's assessment and I believe we can look further back to find sources warning of a similar phenomenon.

Rudolf Steiner: Lucifer, Ahriman, and Christ Consciousness

In Rudolf Steiner's 1919 lecture, Lucifer and Ahriman, the Anthroposophical philosopher outlines a similar concept using the name of Christ, Lucifer, and what he calls Ahriman. Again, although I am not a Christian, I do believe Steiner's analysis can be applied to our current circumstances regardless of religious beliefs (or lack thereof). Whether or not one believes these forces represent literal physical/spiritual beings or not, I believe this is not a topic to ignore.

Steiner believed there exist two forces of evil, one in the form of Lucifer and one in the form of Ahriman. Although these two forces appear and incarnate differently they are actually on the same plane of existence, with the Christ energy above and beyond both of these forces.

The Steiner Online Library says Steiner warned that "humanity must walk a conscious middle path between the two “tempting” powers of Lucifer and Ahriman." Where Lucifer could be said to represent a false light, with a focus on spiritual practices which take people away from the Christ energy, Ahriman represents materialism, and a more mechanical and static energy.

While the two forces appear to work against each other or in opposition, they are actually working more and more together as time passes.

"Just as there was the incarnation which culminated in Golgotha, the incarnation of Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth, there was an actual incarnation of Lucifer in far off Asia, in the third millennium B.C.," Steiner stated during his lecture. "And the source of inspiration for much ancient culture was what can only be described as an earthly incarnation of Lucifer in a man of flesh and blood."

However, these were not the only incarnations to come. Steiner stated that "before only a part of the third millennium of the post-Christian era has elapsed, there will be, in the West, an actual incarnation of Ahriman: Ahriman in the flesh."

While Steiner argues that the forces of Lucifer and Christ are more familiar to humanity, he warns that humanity is woefully uninformed and ill prepared for the Ahrimanic energy.

"If Ahriman were able to slink into a humanity unaware of his coming, that would gladden him most of all. It is for this reason that the occurrences and trends in which Ahriman is working for his future incarnation must be brought to light," Steiner warns.

"And the time has now come for individual men to know which tendencies and events around them are machinations of Ahriman, helping him to prepare for his approaching incarnation."

Steiner also warned that in his own day people "no longer value the spirit for the sake of the spirit or the soul for the sake of the soul" and are only entranced by "what is regarded as 'useful'". He claimed that nationalism was also to the benefit of Ahriman and represented an opportunity for him/it to take hold of humanity.

"Whatever can separate men into groups, whatever can alienate them from mutual understanding the whole world over and drive wedges between them, strengthens Ahriman's impulse," Steiner stated. He says that "blood-relationship has ceased to be the decisive factor" in human relationships, but if nationalism persisted it would "be playing straight into the hands of Ahriman". Steiner also warned that Ahriman's interests are promoted by humanity being captured by political parties.

As with Alexandra's discussion on the poles, Steiner sees these two forces as representing opposite poles with similar objectives and outcomes.

"Ahriman and Lucifer will always work hand in hand. The only question is which of the two predominates in man's consciousness at a particular epoch of time. "

Finally, Steiner warned that Ahriman's "activities" were "coming into prominence" in the early 1900's when he gave the lecture.

Trump, Elon, Tucker, and The Great Inversion

In my latest article for The Last American Vagabond I outline how I think this battle between false light and dark is playing out in front of us. I believe the rise of Trump, Elon, Tucker etc as the shield of the people, defending us against The Predator Class, is a false dichotomy between Luciferian energy and Ahrimanic.

"The Predator Class wants chaos so they can implement order. They will create chaos anyway they can. If that means killing a Presidential candidate who is supported by millions of Americans (and detested by millions more Americans), they won’t hesitate to do so.

However, if Trump surviving an assassination attempt serves their goals better they will choose that route. They are not omnipotent and they are not invincible but history shows the Predator Class running the shadow government is absolutely capable of pulling off staged events with both real and fake elements.

I encourage readers not to fall for these story lines and believe them as reality. This narrative is all about creating chaos and pulling more people into the charade of politics and engineered elections.

The chaos is only just beginning. The fanatical statists on the left and right will continue to fight for the ring of power, each swearing that Trump is the only way to stop Biden and the communists, or that Biden is the only safe bet to keep Trump from returning to power. Both are correct and also selling a false dichotomy to Americans who have not yet grasped that politics is not the answer to our problems.

Regardless of who is behind the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the incident will be used to further bolster support for the corrupted political system and to stoke more division in the American people."

I encourage readers to hold tight to your values and principles and not allow yourself to be swayed by false prophets who are only being shown to you to advance the very same agendas they purport to be fighting.

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