Secrets of happiness.

"Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity" - a joke (in every joke there is a share of the joke).

Happiness is an internal state of a person, depending on a variety of reasons. Often people associate the offensive of happiness with the attainment of false goals. Remember I. Ilf and E. Petrov: "... with the invention of radio, the arrival of happiness was expected, but, there is a radio, but there is no happiness."

To be happy is an art that must be mastered, changing, above all, yourself. Happiness, like love, is not a constant category, it can both increase and decrease.

Every art has the basics or a certain foundation on which it holds and the knowledge of these basics allows a person to simply become happy. Material wealth and career growth play a role, in obtaining happiness, but the role is not the main and not 100% of the time. More important is your attitude to yourself, to the surrounding world, to people.

Here are some useful tips for becoming happy:

  1. Always rejoice
    As A. Chekhov wrote: "If you are bitten by fleas, rejoice that they are not wolves. And, if you are taken to a police station, rejoice that it is not in the underworld. " No bad without good - look for something good in bad.

  2. Do as you please, as your heart commands and do not regret the past.

  3. Learn to live in the present and appreciate it.

The past is no longer there, the future is not yet and may not come.

  1. Do not run from not a very happy life somewhere.

You can not escape from yourself. Well, where we do not.

  1. It's just that your body wants to become happy, strange as it sounds.

Do not deprive him of movement, enough sleep and a healthy diet.

  1. Bring your friends and family closer to you and talk to them more often.

  2. Be compassionate. Giving to others, you get many times more: "Let the bread downstream, and it will come to you with butter."

  3. Try to look at the unloved work with other eyes, see its attractive side.

The main thing is not to have what you love, but to love what you have. If it does not work out, change jobs.

  1. Smile more often.

The expression of the face and the emotional state are directly related. To learn this, practice in front of a mirror.

  1. Good-bye to people.

Forgiveness heals the heart and removes the burden of offense. "Judge not lest ye be judged".
There are other methods that make you feel happy for a certain time. Most of them are based on the "carrot and stick" principle.

We must deprive ourselves of something very familiar, somewhere, at the level of physiology - food, drink, etc., and then return it. Works well, but not for long. Immediately remembered anecdote about drunk beer and the inability to urinate and happiness when this opportunity appears. It's all about how it's so easy to become happy.

On this topic I want to tell a famous ancient parable: ". . . Once, in ancient times, a poor Jew prayed in the temple (then there were still poor Jews). He complained of a difficult life and asked God for help.

God heard his groaning and ordered to buy a goat. The Jew was shocked. And in those blessed times the cattle of the poor lived under the same roof with people. As a rule, there were a lot of children. Tesnotischa was terrible. But there's nothing to do. The command of God is the law.

After buying a goat, life in the family turned into a real hell. The time passed, the old Jew could not stand it, he came to the temple and again begged for help. And again he was heard. God commanded to sell the goat, which was immediately done. Life in the family of the Jew so settled after the sale of the goat, that he did not know how to thank God. . . ".

And one more recommendation how to just become happy is the PHILOSOPHY AND THE MASTERS. IN THEM ALL WISDOM AND PSYCHOTHERAPY.

For example: "... the next day after the wedding, he realized what happiness is, but it was too late."

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