Russia Psychosis

We are following these stories. The left are overemphasizing on their own allegations claiming Russia hacked the 2016 USA Presidential Election. We know people and countries and companies, globally, are always doing that or are trying to do that to interfere into the elections of different countries and companies and people and everything. Hackers and criminals and all kinds of people are doing all of these kinds of things.

But Obama said Russia could not do it. Plus, there is no evidence that Russia did it. There is also a question of what Russia did or did not do. Obama knew in August 2016 that Russia was trying to do it but Obama did not do anything to stop it. Again, stop what? These are great questions. Fake news said there were like 17 agencies that said Russia did it. What? Did what? But it turned out to be just 3 people or persons from 3 agencies, not 17 agencies, that fabricated these false allegations.



Learn about real journalism.

CNN does not do real journalism or reporting. Look at all of the retractions fake news networks like CNN, NBC, ABC, CNBC, and the others do every day. Each day, they retract hundreds to thousands of articles and reports and videos and stuff.

All around the world, big news outlets are lying and then they admit to lying the same day or the next day. But most people only read the headlines. In many articles, globally, they will retract or contradict their own headlines. But they know that over 90% of people WILL NOT read the full article and will not see the retraction or whatever that it might be specifically. We can help the 90% or more of the people by showing them the retractions and confessions and misinformation and bias or the stuff they leave out of videos and articles and photos and memes and books and talking points and everything.

More than 99% of the time, over 99% of the people are only reading headlines or worse.

More than 99% of the time, we are skipping and scanning and speed reading.

This means we are all like missing so much most of the time.

That is why we do not know about the lies and the bad things because we skip them.

We jump over these things most of the time.

Then when people tell us the truth, we say, "YEAH RIGHT."

We do not believe the truth even when people tell us the truth.

Mostly because we have the habit not to look for the truth more than 99% of the time.

Over 99% of the time, we are all way too blind and deaf and dumb.

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