Law of attraction (anything you want can be manifested, use this!)

Everything in this universe is made up energy , energy vibrating at different frequencies, we ourselves are vibratig at specific frequency, this frequency varies according to how we feel , if we are happy we are vibrating at a high frequency if we are sad we are vibrating at a lower frequency, if we want something, anything, money , fame , cars , life partner, anything!!! We have to bring ourselves to that specific frequency, when we attain that specific frequency , the whole universe starts helping us in getting that thing it may happen in ways you can't imagine, but it will happen sooner or later

Now how do you do this, first we have to understand that our mind controls our frequency, so if you master control on your mind then you can get whatever you want in life , our mind is like a wild horse , runs in all kind of direction, entertainment , sex , distractions, all the time because of this, we get side tracked we don't get things done we get distracted, so mastery of the mid is tge first step, and that you do by controling your thoughts keeping ut focussed on one thing, its going to be hard cause you dont even get to know that you are thinking something else other than the thing you should be focussed on, but with regularly checking your thoughts and guiding them like a river will help you get control on your thoughts.

Your brain is made up of 2 parts. Concious mind and unconsius mind, concious mind is the mind we use to to do our daily activities and unconsious mind is more like observer is awake even when we are sleeping , its like a blackbox on plane records everything about the body hears everything , sees everything learns constanly, but the thing is ,a person has lot difficulty access this unconsious mind , its like there river flowing between the both mind they work individually but if both are made to work together then nobody can stop you, you will a force to be rekoned with , its simple , but hard to do cause it takes patience and preserverance and normal people give up too fast, how to do
Concious mind has to attackes by two swords, practice and dicipline, practice for controlling thoughts and dicipline for prventing you to slide back down in your old ways, whereas unconcious mind has lot of garbage in it thanks to the media we are exposed to everyday , advertisement , films, music all of it has only one motive to change what we believe unconciously by brainwashing us slowly overtime and this can be reversed by being spritual, meditation, remembering GOD, knowing that there is a creator watching over us , the actions we take, the deeds we do.

Now that we have understood how to control our mind tge next part is easy, you have to make yourself believe that you already havr what you want, you want a million dollar in your bank account? , believe you already have it , i mean really really believe it , you have to convince your unconcious mind that you already have it by self affirming it over and over in your mind your speaking loudly , writting it down, make a recording of you afirming sime thing you want like you already have it, put it in repeat mode , put it in low volume wear headphone and sleep on it, your subconcious mind will listening to it and believe cause it cannot distinguish between whats real and whats not, and when the subconcious mind believe it, it changes your bodies frequency to the the which you want and attracts it towards , you you will see things change in front of you , slowly anf surely but presistence ia the key , you should never give up.
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