Psychology: How to tackle burnout part #2

Last week i elaborated on how to tackle burnout part 1, and today we will discussing about the part 2 of it. If you missed the part 1 you can read it Here.#


Our last discussion on burnout, i talked about what is burnout, symptoms of burnout, and signs of burnout. Today we shall be looking at the following bellow.

  • Preventing burnout
  • types of burnout
  • Remedy for burnout
  • Conclusion.

Preventing burnout

Most students in school especially the law students always face this burnout in one way o the other. With some research i did i figured out a way to prevent burnout;


1. Increase your self-efficacy
Having the belief in in your own capacity to achieve ( and exercise control over) personally meaningful tasks and plans is known as ''self-efficacy''. Most of the time, countless number of individuals who posses a strong level of perceived sefl-efficacy experience less stress in burdensome and challenging situation. How can one enhance this self-efficacy? It's through active mastery experience. After you just attained a new goal or scheme, your brain whispers, ''What else can i do for you'' most of us must have observed this in one way or the other. Another pattern or technique to cultivate this self-efficacy is simply by locating a self-efficacy model. How do you do it, simply by locating and observing a colleague who attains something meaningful.

2. Take care of yourself
There are so many ways one can take care of him/herself to prevent this burnout. Work we all know is burdensome, but taking excuse for your work is not a good idea for you not to take care of yourself. Set a specific time for your self, for instance you go to the cinema with friends or alone - if you're not the ''people type''-, spend time with your family, go on a vacation, go swimming, go to the beach or somewhere open. By so doing, you'll ease a lot of stress out and thereby burning out your burnouts.

3. Increase your diet
Researchers has discovered that increasing you diet can build your creativity, resilience, and also the ability to be actively focused. Try as much as possible to go soft on yourself, instead of going hard on your self.

Too many people die with their music in them - Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Types of burnout

1. Overload burnout
This type of burnout is caused by lots of hectic work, mostly overload works. Most especially, ambitious people are likely to have this type of burnout, because they don't care about their health or personal life, they are so ambitious to accomplish their goals and plans.

2. Under challenged burnout
The people is this category are bored and underappreciated. Most at times they get frustrated because their job lack the learning and professional opportunities. Why is this so? Because the unchallenged people find no motive or passion in their work. This leads to cynicism, irresponsibility and disengagement.

3. Neglect burnout
This type of burnout is as a result of feeling helpless and incapable at wok. This type of feelings comes when you make or hear statements like ''things at work don't turn out well the way they should be''. Probably you're in this category and you might see yourself as inefficient and more like you're not able to keep up with the demands at work.

If you're a victim of this neglect burnout you don't need more motive, drive, breaks or passion; what you truly need is agency.

Remedy for burnout


In my career as a blogger, i get intrigued by this burnout. Now I've found out that the only way to cure this feeling (burnout) is not to run from it but adhere to stop in your tracks, breathe into the situation and try as much as possible to improve your current situation before you leap.

You don’t have to throw away your current career to have one that’s inspired (and most professionals are relieved by this). -Ben Fanning's.

Thanks for reading my post. If you missed the previous one you can check it HERE

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