The Baumrind's Parenting Style Theory Applied to the Learning Process of Jiu-Jitsu Athletes

Hi Steemit,
For this post, I wanted to approach the different ways of learning in the practice of Jiu-Jitsu. Indeed, even if they don't significantly work harder than others, some athletes tend to learn (and apply) concepts faster. So, I wanted to expose one of my observation which is the link between the learning process of an athlete and the parental structure of his family. To do this, I'll use the theory of parental styles of Diana Blumberg Baumrind. This article is not based on the study of a group, but on my own observations. None of my ramarks are absolute. Everyone have the ability to improve himself and, I hope my experiences (through this post) could help someone. Enjoy! :)

First of all, Diana Baumrind, born in 1927, is a clinicial and developmental psychologist reknowned for her researchs on parenting styles and her criticism of deception in psychological researchs (like Stanley Milgram's controversial experiments). Her theory about parenting styles exposes only three patterns : Autoritarian, Permissive and Authoritative. However, Maccoby and Martin have added, in 1983, an extention to the permissive style, splitting it into two dimensions : indulgence's style and uninvolved /careless 's one.


Authoritarian style: The authoritarian parent value obedicence as a virtus and favor punitive mesures, threats, evaluations and reward's systems to control the child behaviours. In this style, the parent will restrict the autonomy of the child in order to preserve the traditionnal structure (the one he beleives in). Children from this parenting structure will have few rights but a lot of responsabilities and verbal give and take are not encouraged. Finaly, this style promote the values of normativity, conformity, authority,respect and obedicence. Despite this, children from these families will internalize extrinsic's motivations like the tendency to seek social appoval (or avoid disapproval).

According to my own observations, children from an authoritarian parenting structure (like my girlfriend) have a lot of difficulties to do their own choices. Indeed, most of the time, she prefere to do nothing than risk to make a mistake (She's always searching the perfection). Despite her great work ethic, she usually stick on details and have difficulty to understand larger's concepts. Moreover, she overstress when a competition is coming and, when it's time to perform, she's unable to impose her pace. Often, she miss the flow due to her stubborness to never loose control which, in our opinion, slowed down her progress.

Permissive style: The first dimensions of permissive's parents is indulgence which is carateristed by parents who promote a nonpunitive and positive manner towards the child desires and actions. The indulgent parent will discuss about his decisions, give explainations for family rules and will present himsef as a ressource for his child (instead of a role model). Children from this family structure have a lot of rights and few responsabilities. They usually can autoregulate their own activities. Instead of using the exercice of control on their child, permissive parents will use influence, reason and manipulation manner for the child to behave well. They are open to discuss and will promote selfexperiences to help the child to flourish (structure and routine does'nt really existe in these families). Finaly, they will transmit the value of autonomy, but will create spoilt, immature and self-centered children with poor self-control habilities. Afterwards, the second dimension of permissive's parents are uninvolved one which will offer no support nor control to their children which is creating (in addition to those previously exposed) dangerous behaviors like exessive use of alcool or drugs.

According to my own observations, children from a permissive parenting structure (the one I associate with) are more creative and confident than those from the other types of family. However, we take a lot of unnecessary risks and are more disorganized in our practice then the majority. I want to know everything and, sometimes I pass too quickly on a technique which would required more time. Apply to my Jiu-Jitsu experience, I have observed that I had difficulties to see details. I know a lot of techniques but have mastered few of them. Moreover, I would never loose a chance to compete even if I'm injured what created, back in the time, bigger problemes (like a shoulder's injury that does'nt recover).

The authoritative style (also named democratic):The authoritative parent attempt to direct the child's activities, but in a rational manner. This parent encourages verbal give and take and share the reasonning behind his decisions. He also sollicit the objection of the kid when he refuse to conform himself. The authoritative parent express his beleifs but accept that his child have his own. This parent use reason, shaping by regime and reinforcement to acheive his objectives and do not base his decisions on group concensus nor the individual child's desires. They use negociation, suggestion and encouragement's techniques for the child to comply. Finaly, this parental style encourages (in the child) independance, individuality, autonomy and the necessity to take care of others.

In conclusion, the "perfect fighter" could be defined by the one who, whenever a choice is offered to him, takes exactly the right decision. It's in this perspective that it would be possible to propose the idea that families with a authoritative parenting structure would be the most likely to generate this "perfect fighter". In fact, by encouraging questions and verbal concessions, these parents expose their children, at an early age, to the analysis of their own decisions helping them later to make better choices, carry better relations, searching for the best way to impove themself, and then, train more efficiently.

Thanks for reading
Sorry for my basic english
See yah !!

Baumrind, D. (1967). Child care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75(1), 43-88 [].
Larroque. Laetitia. Influence des pratiques éducatives parentales et des pratiques pédagogiques en-
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Vande Kemp. Hendrika. (1997). Biography of Diana Blumberg Baumrind. The Feminist Psychologist. Vol 24. No 3.

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