insight to self

Mind, being and body: the human self consist of mainly these 3 elements. These 3 dimensions of the human experience make up the essence of self. Yes, it goes further, like into quantum mind and quantum physical and beingness programming. For more such insight see:

I want to get back to the basics. We consist of the basic elements of mind, being and body. Where we see how our life and living have driven veeeery far into mind's domination. Our human mind, or thinking box, have since a looooong time ago ruled the human experience. Our whole matrix/capitalistic/ego world system, of money and beyond, is founded from the destruction of the physical (body) - by our deceptive minds programming. The mind uses our body to extract energy - from our physical, from separation of the flesh/tissue, to suit the minds energy needs. The mind have been using our body as a mine (!) to extract energy - to exist. That is basically the outline of the mind body experience - with a deluded and perhaps confused being running in between.

Our mind (consciousness system) have been the ultimate source of deception and corruption for a very long time. Now, there is no use in trying to reject the mind or fearing oneness mind. Big idea is to equalize to mind. And let the physical and ones awareness run the show - life essence. To best equalize is to forgive the self for the accepted and allowed separation/destruction of the physical in service of mind/metaphysics/ego.


The idea is to be all aware. To not need to go into thinking and making assumptions, projections, imaginations and desires. All aware is the ultimate ride it seem. Life is all aware and we have all been living in rejection of life.

Look at what currently generates most money in this world ? War and abuse. Humans abusing life have been equal to big money income. That is our (money) world as it is in a nutshell. That is also a hard rigged system that is hard to break. Seemingly. But we don't have to break the system as such, the system will break itself (!) If we do like NEO in MATRIX original movie, we need to embrace self. And come to a full and complete understanding that we individually (important part to realize): are the system, we are all the system our self with carrying our minds. We are all individually 100 % responsible for any fart that occurs on this earth. All of it. That is some of the depth we are looking at here. We are all capable of the "I-am-possible" achievement. It is about our starting point and who we are within what we do. Anyone can become the "worst guy", it is a matter of programming - how we are raised basically.

The nasty thoughts and ideas that we carry deep within, but deny for having, that are in fact the origin of the abuse we see in our world. One more time, the spiteful and nasty (demonic nature) we carry in the depth of our minds is playing out in karma-like consequences, limiting us - and it has an effect, and sooner or later we must all face our demons that we have been suppressing. If we - however can start to look at our own shit in self honesty and self integrity, to map it all out - and own it - and forgive the energy and reactions, and stop recycling our own crap/limitations/mind fucks.

If we do that we can see that our beingnes is more here. "The missing link" between our mind and our body. If you like me, stand up from the self defeatism and limitation that has been, and are able to equalize the self relationship of mind, being and body - into honoring life and physical awareness - that would be a bright new morning for us all.

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