The Influence of Computer Games on The Physical and Mental Health

Today many children are keen on computers and especially computer games: in the game they cease to be passive observers, and have an opportunity to actively influence the events of the virtual world. But society and families often have discussions that from computer games children become stupid, cruel... so what's there, all the troubles of the world because of computer games! At what most often, I hear such statements from people who are far from computers...

So let's try to figure it out!

I will not deny that a lot of parents do not monitor the amount of time a child spends with gadgets! What games does the child play (after all, the age limit is indicated in the games, but who cares?). In such cases, the consequences can really be sad:

  • Depletion of the nervous system (nervous breakdown)

  • Psychological dependence

  • Chronic stress

  • The sense of reality is lost

  • Insularity (Lack of social development)

Who's to blame?

In this case, as I believe, only the parents are to blame! Neither the producers of computer games nor, especially, the computer games themselves! We live in a rather "convenient" time. Why give your child attention and engage in development? You can give him a gadget and forget about him existence... And then, when everything goes to hell, accuse in all yours omissions, errors in education and failures, these satanic computers and computer games!

Is there any benefit?

There are many computer games of cognitive and developmental orientation! These games helps to children:

  • Open the mind for new (Expand their horizons)

  • Understand general awareness of different sciences

  • Develop the child's logical thinking

  • Develop accurate eye and speed of reactions

  • Form planning skills

I'm not even talking about the fact that a child can achieve really amazing results and build his life connected with computer games!

Bottom line (my opinion)

In fact, the question is not about the danger or benefits of computer games... Like many things related to the upbringing of children, the essence of the matter here lies in the very fact of upbringing! Either parents devote time and energy to this question, or not. There is always will be millions reasons why stupid, lazy or just "unskillful" parents will not take responsibility for their actions or, as in this case, inaction! Just as parents take care of the quality and sufficient amount of food for the child, they should take care of the quality and quantity of computer products consumed by the child! Interest the child in training and developing games, prevent the use of low-quality games and monitor the time the child spends in "alternative rality". Only parents can give the child what he need, what will interest him to live in the real world!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.

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