Take care of your influence, it will geald you power

Influence can be as complex as forming an alliance of nations to try to influence a rogue country's leadership to as simple as a child smiling and extending his hand in an offer of friendship.
Every time we try to affect how other people think,/behave; we are trying to influence them.
A smile and a handshake are attempts to form a connection and break down barriers.

Power can be best defined as the potential or the ability to influence decisions and control resources. Power gives the authority to change the behavior of others and make them do things that they might not wish to do.
Influence is described as the ability to alter others people’s perception of any situation. It is more about creating such an impact on others so that it affects the way they think or do things, and makes them do what the other person wants them to do.
Influence can look like power but it relies on subtle tactics and careful handling of the situation where the person being influenced does not have to be forced and becomes compliant just with the use of the right words and strategies.
The biggest difference between power and influence is that power can push people to do their tasks but influence helps them understand why they need to do it.....

One can only yield power with the help of money or position but one can have influence with just the right words and actions to accompany one’s words.

There are two parts to influence: First, influence is powerful; and second, influence is subtle-Jim Rohn

There are many people who have the power and the control and can make others do what they want but do not have the influence to affect their thoughts and ideas.
On the other, there are people who have no position or power but have the ability to influence people very effectively.
This differentiates power and influence; while power might make people do things, they may do it out of fear as they have no other choice, but influence is psychological, persuasive and voluntary and it makes people respond positively to what they are being asked to do.

There are two distinctive types of leadership.

1- is power and the other is influence. These two styles are often considered synonymous, as if you have one, it’s assumed you probably have the other.
But a closer look at these two forms of leadership shows they work in widely different ways.

If you have influence and share it with 9 people, you increase your influence nine-fold as your influence spreads.

The use of power diminishes others; the practice of influence enlarges them

Number 1 influence power tool throughout the world is ;logic to explain what you believe/need

Getting to know the other person, being open and friendly, finding common ground. Includes complimenting people and making them feel good about themselves.
A other of influence power tools



Behaving in ways you want others to behave; being a role model; teaching, coaching, counseling, and mentoring. Can influence people without you being aware that you are influencing.

Influence is the application of power to accomplish a specific purpose.

Power resides where men believe it resides. It’s a trick, a shadow on the wall. And, a very small man can cast a very large shadow” – Lord Varys
consider what i just said, now look at steemit.inc... yeah exactly my point ;)


“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near her.
♡ 🐲ℒℴve 🐉♡

dragon heart.png

CameraCanon EOS 77D
LensCanon EF S18-55mm f/4-5.6G
Location Sweden; somewere
OwnerAll Rights reserved,original content by @swedishdragon

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