I need your advice. How to get rid of your seclusion and fear of communication?

Since my earliest childhood I have been closed, I love loneliness. Mom says that I could spend hours with the dolls, not giving anyone any special trouble. Then the parents were happy, I did not need to entertain me, now it was some kind of curse.

At school, no one wanted to be friends with me, peers were not interested in me, so I spent all my free time studying. I graduated excellent school, entered university, now I have a good job, but my friends, as it was not, I still do not. I know that the problem is in me, but I can not help myself. If an employee speaks to me or, worse, the boss, I immediately numb, I blush, and I want to run away, close in the room and not see anyone.

Parents are puzzled because they can not understand why I behave this way, I react to people, because in our family everything is normal, and moreover, my mother works as a tutor in a kindergarten, and my father teaches in college. My mother says that it was necessary to show me in the childhood to a psychologist, but then they did not pay much attention to this, but now, probably, it's too late to do anything.

I often think that I need to quit and work at home, the only way out for me is freelancing. Then I will feel comfortable, but when I told my parents, they immediately began to object, they said that I would not get used to people, but I still need to get married. In soc. networks I normally communicate, there I even have friends in my friends, although I did not meet with anyone from any of them, they offered, but I'm afraid that I will not be able to communicate and then I will lose my virtual, but still friends.

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