Psychological Operations - PsyOps and the language of Babylon


  • Psychological Operations: Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives. Also called PSYOP. See also consolidation psychological operations; overt peacetime psychological operations programs; perception management. ---US Department of Defense

  • Sykewar: Psychological Warfare against Germany, D-Day to VE-Day by Richard H. S. Crossman, Daniel Lerner:

The American Lieutenant in charge of documenting Buchenwald (where the shrunken heads came from) was from the Psychological Warfare Division of the Allied Forces. Albert G. Rosenberg was Jewish, born and raised in Germany. He had recently become an American.
Psychological Warfare Division That's a strange name for a department that's going to document a concentration camp for future generations isn't it? The Lieutenant in the PWD was Albert G. Rosenberg. Even though he was only in his late 20's at the time, he had a rare special pass called a "SHAEF Pass", which gave him the power to confiscate the posh villa belonging to Baldur Von Schirach, who had been the wartime mayor of Vienna and also the leader of the Hitler Youth. Rosenberg lived in the villa with 12-15 former Buchenwald inmates and the team wrote-up a documentation of the camp. Most of the former inmates were communists, led by a non-communist Austrian Catholic named Eugen Kogon. Kogon compiled the report while Albert Rosenberg supervised the overall project. One could say that the documentation of Buchenwald is largely a story of liberated communists working in a posh villa, under the supervision of a Jewish Psychological Warfare Division Lieutenant who had emigrated to the USA from Germany just seven years earlier. Objectivity you can count on.

After this project, Albert Rosenberg confiscated a German suburban house for Eugen Kogon and his family to live in, so that Kogon could write a book on his personal experiences at Buchenwald. The Psychological Warfare Division, which by now had made the Orwellian move to change it's name to "Information Control" wanted this book to be read by the German population. The book, called "Der SS-Staat, is still the standard work for Buchenwald. In my June 2007, 2-hour phone conversation with the elderly Albert G. Rosenberg, he told me that Kogon could have become Chancellor of Germany instead of Konrad Adenaur, (something about Kogon knowing a "Cardinal Pacelli" and how that was a good thing.) but one was more right and the other more center, and Adenauer ended up becoming Chancellor. Months later out of curiosity I looked up Cardinal Pacelli on Wikipedia and saw he became Pope Pius XII in 1939.

That would have been interesting though: Psych Warfare changes it's name to "Information Control" and promotes Kogon to become the head of Modernist Germany. It would have been 1984 in 1954.

Much of the above is documented in University of Texas, El Paso Professor David A. Hackett's book, The Buchenwald Report. Published in 1995. Nazi Shrunken Heads [1]

Cambridge Analytica is a British data mining firm, whose logo is a brain with vectors connecting dots. It was spun off from its parent firm SCL (Strategic Communications Laboratories) Group in 2013 to “participate in American politics”.

Cambridge & Oxford Universities in the UK are incubators for the global banking elite, producing – as do Harvard & Yale in the US – the managerial class for the Illuminati. While many see Brexit as emancipation from EU tyranny, I have long contended that it was orchestrated by the elite to cement the Anglo-American alliance and to insulate the City of London banks from incoming EU regulations on their dirty activities. Mercer himself was named as a director of eight different Crown-controlled Bermuda-based firms implicated in tax evasion by the Paradise Papers.

But a recent British Channel 4 undercover investigation has revealed far more nefarious activities which make Cambridge Analytica & Facebook look an awful lot like a well-orchestrated British/Israeli intelligence operation. In fact it is a textbook example of how the now-very silent British Empire still runs the world using its Israeli and US surrogates.

About 12 minutes into the interview Cambridge CEO Alexander Nix is caught on camera bragging about how British companies often “subcontract” work to Israeli firms since they are, very effective in intelligence gathering ...Nix then brags about how Cambridge and its parent SCL Group have secretly manipulated elections in over 200 countries around the world, including Nigeria, Kenya, Czech Republic, Argentina and India.

Cambridge used bribes, prostitutes and fake IDs to engineer election outcomes. Nix describes the honey traps his firm set to discredit certain candidates where they would, send some girls around to the candidate’s house. Ukrainian girls are very beautiful. I find that works very well.

It is no coincidence that one of the biggest MI6/Mossad operations in recent years was the Ukrainian coup which brought billionaire Petro Poroshenko and his mafia to power. White slavery is a trademark of British intelligence, where pedophilia is rampant.

Please go to link to read the entire article. [2]


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