We are led to believe that being an introvert is a very bad thing. We have been told from young ages that introvert tend to be unsuccessful in life. They are always forced to raise their hands in classes and answer questions, or to be competitive in their work place and in soceity. Introverts are always forced to be something that they are not. And that's impossible because not everyone can stand in public and not fret of stage freight nor can everyone start a conversation naturally every single time.


Who is an Introvert??
An Introvert is a quiet person that does not like to talk vey much and likes to keep their thoughts to themselves. An Introvert likes to keep to their personal space and prefer staying in their personal safe haven.

But it's more complicated than that in reality. An introvert can be outgoing and talkative when you really get to know them. When you invade an introverts space and you are accepted by them, you get to see a side to them that you never imagined. They can be the friendliest and easiest to talk to people you will ever know.

Being an introvert is not a bad thing. It's all about accepting who you are and mastering yourself. There are way more introverts in soceity than you think. Each one just has a different quirk from the other. Here are some benefits of being an introvert:

  1. Introverts tend to have a rich imagination.
  2. Introverts are very creative and can give optimum results working alone or in a small group
  3. Introverts are capable of great focus.
  4. Introverts tend to process greater volumes of information in any given situation. It is for this reason that we tire more easily from overstimulation.
  5. Introverts are the perfect listeners. People tend to naturally tell introverts their problems because they tend to soak informations and feelings well. Which leads to them being very good advisors.
  6. Introverts tend to overthink things and try to solve things from every possible angle. And that is why they tend to procastinate a lot.
  7. Introvers are good at observing and generally read people well. They are good judges of a peron's behavior.


So being an introvert does not have an effect on how happy or successful you are going to be, if you see it in the right way. If you beat yourself for being an introvert and believe it is the worst thing in life, you're gonna change your life to serve and please soceity. Which leads to you being doomed because you will never truly be happy.


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