Stop, observe yourself, see to yourself!

Statistics denounce us
For many, including doctors, lawyers, journalists, police officers, teachers and employees of companies, the mind is a veritable storehouse of disturbing thoughts. Research shows that 80% of the world's young people have symptoms of shyness and insecurity.

If we consider the Accelerated Thought syndrome as an anxiety disorder, it will be difficult to find someone who has full mental health. Humanity has taken the wrong way. We are sick quickly and collectively!

Are people who have the Accelerated Thought syndrome fragile? Somehow! Are they unintelligent? Under no circumstances! They have skills as any Homo sapiens, but they lack the ability to protect their emotions and manage their thoughts. And is someone who has depression and other disorders fragile? No! No doubt the metabolic factors, such as serotonin deficit may be the genesis of many depressive disorders; still, regardless of these factors, if it is equipped to meet and untie the mind traps, it will have more power to protect the territory of emotion and be the author of your story.

Accelerated Thought syndrome or hyperactivity?
As I said, many neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and educational psychologists, observe children and adolescents who are agitated, restless, have difficulty concentrating and rebel against social norms, are misdiagnosed. Their behavior is attributed to attention disorder or hyperactivity deficit when most of these patients are victims of Accelerated Thinking Syndrome. Because they have not had the opportunity to research the process of building thoughts, professionals do not know the Accelerated Thinking Syndrome.

This disturbing syndrome produces some symptoms similar to hyperactivity, but its causes are different. In hyperactivity, there is a genetic background; often one of the parents is hyperactive. Moreover, agitation and restlessness of a hyperactive person can manifest as early as infancy, while the Accelerated Thought syndrome unrest is built little by little over the years.

Among the causes of the Accelerated Thought syndrome are excessive stimulation, toys, activities, and information.

The treatment is also different in some respects. In the Accelerated Thought syndrome there is no metabolic change. Failure is functional and social, and is linked to the personality formation process and the functioning of the mind and therefore should be corrected with the following techniques. Decelerating the child with Accelerated Thought syndrome is critical. Encourage the child, for example, to develop slower and recreational activities such as listening to quiet music (classical music), playing instruments, painting, playing sports, doing theater can be very helpful. Hyperactive children and adolescents can and should learn these practices. Indiscriminately prescribing drugs for those with Accelerated Thought syndrome can be a serious mistake.

Hyperactive young people as carriers of the Accelerated Thought syndrome must learn techniques to manage their thoughts and protect their emotion. If they don’t, they may repeat mistakes, have slow maturity, become irritable, with a low threshold for frustration and a low capacity to adapt to setbacks, suffer from chronic dissatisfaction, in addition to the committed intellectual performance. But what worries me most in the Accelerated Thought syndrome as well as the hyperactivity is the retraction of two vital functions for the social, professional and to be effective: think before you act and put yourself in the other person’s shoes (empathy). Developing these things is essential and should be the goal of all schools in all nations. If you care about the quality of life and emotional health of your children and students, you should study in detail the Accelerated Thought syndrome.

We adults, even without awareness are committing a crime against the emotional health of children.

I talk a lot about this to warn people in general that this fast-food society, where everything is fast and ready has dangerously changed the pace of construction of thoughts. How is your pace?

The Accelerated Thought syndrome complicates the process of preparing information as knowledge, knowledge as experience and experience as a complex function of intelligence. That is, think of the consequences, expose, not impose, the ideas, put yourself in the place of others, protect emotion and mainly manage thoughts.

Some young people can only realize something wrong in their lives when they become fragile adults, dependent, anxious, whose dreams were buried in the alleys of history. Some parents can only see the family crisis after their relationships with their children become complicated, without respect, affection and love. Some couples only realize that their relationship is bankrupt after living hell of friction. Some professionals can only realize that they are not productive, proactive, creative after they have lost the fascination of their work, when they are in the mud of frustration.

Note that a simple noise in the car can worry us and make us go to the mechanic. However, often our body screams through excessive fatigue, insomnia, binge, sadness, muscle aches, headaches and other psychosomatic symptoms, and even then, we do not seek help. Do you hear the inaudible voice of your body and your mind? Or just what is audible? Some only hear the voice of their symptoms when they are in a hospital, dying or almost dead. Be smart, respect your life. Stop! Think! Observe! See yourself! No psychiatrist or psychologist can do it for you.

Life is beautiful and brief as the dews

We live life as if it were endless. But between childhood and old age, there is a small time interval.

Look for your story: Does it seem that you slept and woke up at that age? For superficial people, the speed of life stimulates live destructively, without thinking about the consequences of their behavior. To the wise, the brevity of life invites them to value it as a diamond of inestimable value.

Being wise means not being perfect, not failing, not crying and not having moments of weakness. To be wise is to learn to use each pain as an opportunity to learn lessons, each error as an occasion to correct paths, each failure as a chance to start over. In victory, the wise men are lovers of joy; in defeat, they are friends of internalization. Are you wise? Can you travel within yourself? Most of us probably know no more than the anteroom of our own personality.

One of the greatest complexities of psychology is to understand that the construction of thoughts is multi-focal and not uni-focal. As we have seen, according to the Theory of Multi focal Intelligence, this means that we build thoughts not only because we want to build them consciously by the I decision, but also because of three other unconscious phenomena: the memory trigger (Self-check), auto-flow and windows memory.

All of us, when we drive a car, have throttle control, steering, brakes and other devices. Imagine if we want to follow a path, but our car follows another; we want to turn to the left, and the car turns right. This phenomenon, which seems amazing, constantly occurs within the vehicle of the human mind.

Our subject does not have full control of the tools that build thousands of daily thoughts. So now he is the protagonist, is now a mere spectator; now he builds beautiful ideas, now he’s the victim of distressing thoughts that he didn’t concoct. This intellectual dance between being director and spectator, driver and passenger, manager and client, accompanies all our history. That's why I said that drama and comedy, laughter and tears, lucid reactions and stupid attitudes are part of our curriculum.

If we go back to the metaphor of the theater to understand the human mind, I am or should be the main actor of the psychic theater, and the three unconscious phenomena that also build thoughts, but such supporting actor insists on stealing the show . The biggest challenge I have is to stop being a shy spectator and take the stage for its fundamental role as manager of the mind. We need to confront the evil of the century.

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