10 Tips For a Less Busy Life

We are all busy, busy, busy, ... Sometimes it's that nice, sometimes not. Often it comes from things we impose on ourselves or through the internet.

10 Tips for a less busy life


1.Freedom of an imperfect life

From a very early age we learn that making mistakes does not feel right: bad results at school, a friend who do not want to play with us anymore ... We do not want to be inferior to our friends. Making mistakes is not allowed, we will take that to later.

Intellectually we know that making mistakes is part of achieving success. However, we are not learned that self-doubt, criticism, ... are an automatic part of that.

When you accept your failures and shortcomings and embrace them as a part of yourself (instead of hiding them), then you are free and find peace in your head.

2.Take a little step

If you find something in your life that makes you feel awful and that you want to change, look at how you can balance this in your life, instead of eliminating it completely from your life.

Sticking something right away seems easier, but it is not. It is much more difficult to maintain. Your will power changes every day and every moment.

3.Unfollow people on social media

Unfollow people on social media that pollute your news overview. On Facebook, for example, you can 'unfollow' people instead of 'unfriendly'. This ensures that you can still keep in touch, but you will no longer see the posts in your feed.

4.Attention training helps

Deep insight into your personal pitfalls is necessary to discover how and when pressure and tension are high for you. This happens at many more times in a day than you think. Which makes you work unnoticed more and harder. Attention training helps you recognize and break through this pattern at an early stage. This opens the way to a more relaxed way of working.

5.Turn off push notifications on your phone for social media

Many people underestimate how much energy it eats if you are continually disturbed by notifications of social media or e-mails. You can choose on your smartphone to only see something if you really make the choice to check it, or you can only make the important notification.

6.Everything (and everyone) is not equally important

Equality is a lie. Everything and everyone is not equally important. Your boss earns more than you. Even the one calorie is not the other. Those who are successful are not the ones who do the most, you may have already noticed that at work.

7.Clear overview

A clear overview of all your tasks and activities is needed to effectively manage your daily workflow. Without this overview everything seems equally important. The best thing is to you keep everything in one place. Then you know exactly: I pick this up now and that can still wait. This helps you quickly set the right priorities.

8.Create habits

Goals and dreams can be realized much better if you convert them to habits. It saves a lot of stress not to always think of that big goal that you have set yourself, but to focus on what you can do every day for it. Start with that little step.

9.Is this a 'HELL YEAH'?

We receive a lot of information and incentives. It is difficult to shield yourself from that and keep your focus. This can help: with everything that comes in to requests or requests, ask yourself: is this a 'HELL YEAH', yes or no?

Only at a 'HELL YEAH' do you do it. Of course this is easier said than done because sometimes we just have to do things to earn money, for example, or because it is important for your partner or family. But the thought and the question alone gives you a lot of power when making choices.

10.One task at a time

You can do this more extreme like Leo Babauta from Zen Habits. He says: 'Choose one task for each day and complete it'. That is of course not possible for most people. Your boss will laugh quite a bit. But you can choose one thing that you want to accomplish and only proceed to something new once it is completely finished. It ensures that you do not multitask. After all, that seems efficient, but it is not at all. In reality everyone feels that he or she is 'busy', but nobody actually actually does anything.

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