How to Never Run out of Things to Say - Keep a Conversation Flowing!

If you're a human being you probably at least once got into a awkward silence moment.
In this post I will try to help you to never run out of things to say ever again.

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F.O.R.D & R.A.P.E

Ford and rape? What are you talking about you lunatic?

Let me explain. F.O.R.D and R.A.P.E are acronyms.

F.O.R.D stands for :

  • Family
  • Occupation
  • Recreation
  • Dreams

R.A.P.E stands for :

  • Religion
  • Abortion
  • Politics
  • Exes

These acronyms are basically for small talk. F.O.R.D is the stuff you want to talk about. And R.A.P.E are the things you should avoid in conversations. You can't go wrong with F.O.R.D. Try to remember these two and apply them in your conversations. It will keep the conversations flowing.

F.O.R.D is especially good to use on dates so you don't get into the whole awkward silence moment. Even Dale Carnegie wrote about this in his book How To Win Friends And Influence People and how you should avoid talking about politics and other controversial topics.

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