The Most Useful Website For Self-Discovery in a VERY LONG TIME (feat.

Since I am still looking to find a sustainable way of upholding myself in this dying socio-economic model and since I feel none of my past endeavors have really hit home hard enough I am again at the point in life where I am looking what is next, where should I focus my time? What exactly can I do for people? How I can solve a problem for people? What service can I bring to the world that can lift other people up while simultaneously helping me move closer to my dreams - of being in a position where I can do more and lead by example working on my own permaculture gardens and teaching knowledge and skills to all those who seek it?

Well, I have stumbled upon a website I am fascinated with, partly because the information contained is so accurate and relevant to my path and my own life, and partly because I have never been a fan of websites that have the audacity to claim to know something about me let alone being able to help me fulfill my goals by illuminating parts of myself that I had never been able to characterize so poignantly myself.

Well, I am here to tell you that this website DOES have so much merit that it's rather spooky at first. If you have never heard about or the "Myers–Briggs Type Indicator" I hereby invite you to take a look and to see if you can gain as much insight into your inner core as I did when I first stumbled upon it.

Taking the test

It starts out by having you answer questions about yourself concerning your preferences in life when it comes to areas like social interaction, situational behavior and habitual attitudes you may express on a daily basis. The test takes about ten minutes and if answered as truthfully as possible the results can be overwhelmingly significant to read about in detail.

It's not like I didn't read anything I didn't know about myself but rarely have I heard it put in such a dense and concise manner. My strengths, my weaknesses, strategies to go about finding my way in life. Areas to work on, pitfalls to watch out for and a general roadmap to finding the way back to my core ability and potential.

It really isn't as dodgy as it first sounds. Not by far. If you have been around on the internet for 20 years you will most certainly have had encounters with all sorts of weird websites that ultimately tell you nothing you didn't know already while trying their best to sell you stuff you don't need.

Well, since taking the test myself, having my woman and a dear friend take it I can attest that there is something meaningful here to be discovered and that I am willing to share this website with the people dear to my heart as well as with my readership online, that is you.

You really got nothing to lose. Answer truthfully, read the results, then come back and tell me it was a giant waste of time and energy. I am willing to bet you will be thrilled about uncovering a few aspects about yourself that could become instrumental in establishing the life you have been after for so long without quite feeling yet that you succeeded.

I feel I know my roadmap now, and it's becoming clearer by the minute. Special thanks to Elliott Hulse for putting this website on my radar. Would have never checked the thing out otherwise.

All the information on the site is just a MODEL of course, like anything else. I am not saying it is the absolute truth, I merely find it unexpectedly useful for uncovering more insight about myself and I am venturing to say it might do the same for you.

And for that purpose, any model is a good model if I jive with it this much.

So in the same spirit: What are you still doing here. Take the test now and tell me it was a huge waste of time, please!

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