Some people lack self awareness

I just about fell off my chair when I read this. Talk about someone who does not understand what his institution is, and has done. Yes, I'm not going to paint all Catholics with this brush, I was personally raised Catholic, but this comment is so out of touch, I just can't believe I'm reading it.


As you might imagine, this particular priest is getting a rude awakening at this very moment, and even though I can't really be happy that he is, it might be necessary in the big scope of things. We don't have to dig deep to find thousands of cases of pedophilia covered by the Catholic Church and funnily enough, this particular priest is guilty of cover ups himself allegedly.

Here's the deal that some people don't really seem to grasp. There is no such thing as homophobia, people are not afraid of homosexuals, which is what the word implies. There's just people who understand love and respect for our fellow humans, and those who believe themselves to be judge, jury and executioner.


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