Social status affects the moral qualities

This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of California Berkeley. They conducted a study that showed how social status affects people's moral qualities.


From observations one can draw the following conclusions: owners of expensive cars more often violate rules and norms of behavior on the road, do not miss pedestrians, and people who in their opinion have a higher status are more likely to cheat.

Scientists have tested how the attitude to the benefits of the behavior of respondents influences, which in a number of tests answered the question of how justified moral greed is.


People of a higher status are more likely to hide from the person they allegedly hired, that his office will soon be closed. They did not feel any conscience if at home, for example, the paper ran out and it was possible to take it at work. And in the case of a job in the public catering, they are ready to steal food.

Here we should also note the fact that people with an aggressive type of personality who are inclined, including to dominate - are much more likely to have health problems. It has already been proven that they are more likely to experience hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

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