The Psychology of Colours (Part 5) - Forest Green


We give strong unconscious reactions to different colours, therefore – knowingly or unknowingly – we are bombarded by “colour-coded” stimuli many times a day. I have a passion for colours since my very early teenage years. I even aspired to be an artist for a while, but then I finally chose psychology and for several years after graduation I was involved in a research dealing with the symbolism of colours. In this series, I would like to share this passion with you by having a closer look at the meaning of one colour at a time.

After exploring the meaning of red, blue and yellow we continue our journey with the most common colour of the natural world, green, which a secondary colour (together with orange and purple).


Green is natural

Nature: probably this is the first thing that comes to our mind when we see something green; this is the colour of balance and harmony. Being exposed to green (eg. sitting in a nice, green park for a while) creates an equilibrium between our thoughts and emotions, it clears away bad feelings, reduces fatigue and restores our depleted energy.

Green stimulates our pituitary gland, which result in more relaxed muscles and increased levels of histamine in our blood. Television guests of live shows are usually seated in a green room before going “on air” to calm down.

Feeling stressed? Why don’t you take a walk out in nature and rest your eyes on the wonderful shades of green? Many say that nature is the only cure against the stress of modern life. Maybe that’s why many wellness centres prefer using different shades of green together with natural materials in their interiors.

Many pharmaceutical and nutritional companies use green colour to suggest that their goods are safe and natural. Green is the colour of organic and environment-friendly products.


Green is fresh

Green means renewal, spring, a new start and growth. It is a combination of yellow and blue, which means that optimism of the yellow is mixed with the emotional tranquility of the blue: green gives more hope than any other colours.

Maybe this is the aspect why Steemit has a green logo: it is fresh, a new start with a great potential to grow! :-)

Green is the symbol of prosperity and progress, just remember it, when you get a “green light” to your next project… :-)

With its association with renewal and growth, green often suggests a lack of experience or a need for development. In many languages you call someone “green” (like the unripe fruit), if he is young and inexperienced.


Green is persistent

Green colour represents endurance, persistence in following our goals, therefore it is often used as a symbol of stability. Green is also associated with one’s strength to cope with adversity.

Probably the most common green logo belongs to Starbucks, where this colour is intended to promote the peaceful and comfortable atmosphere, as well as stability and consistency in their products.


What does green tell about you…

If you choose green to be your favourite colour, then you probably love nature. You are not a very dynamic person, you like to sit and observe the world around you. You are practical and “down-to earth” in the way you handle things or approach problems.

You well balanced: you are the person who usually remains cold during a crisis.

You are loyal and faithful in your close bonds; you have a great need to love and be loved. You are generous and helpful in your environment, you enjoy being part of an accepting and respecting community. You have a lot of values, but have a tendency for low self-esteem. You deserve the positive feedback from your environment.

You have high moral standards, which means that doing the right thing is important to you. You are persistent in your endeavours.


Green in different cultures

  • In Japanese culture, green means eternal life.
  • Green is the sacred colour of Islam, symbolising respect and the prophet Muhammad.
  • This is the emblematic colour of Ireland, where it represents the green hillsides and Ireland’s patron saint, St. Patrick.
  • Green is the colour associated with Sunday in the Catholic church (this is why the altar cloth is usually green on Sunday services).
  • In Ancient Egypt green was the symbol of regeneration and rebirth.


Interesting facts about green

  • Green is associated with the Heart Chakra, that is linked to the heart, lungs, circulatory system and the complete chest area. This chakra bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds. If you open it, you can love more and empathize with others.
  • Green was said to be the favorite colour of George Washington, the first President of the United States.
  • Green used for night-vision goggles, because the human eye is most sensitive to this colour and able to discern the most shades of it.
  • Too much green can make people lazy and slow.
  • In the Middle Ages, green was associated with merchants, bankers and the gentry, while red was associated with the nobility. This is the reason why, the costume of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and the benches in the British House of Commons are green (while those in the House of Lords are red.)
  • Human eyes have three types of colour receptors (cone cells). If one of these is missing or faulty, it can cause colour blindness.
  • The Chicago River is dyed green every year on St. Patrick's Day

If you are interested, here you can read the previous parts in this series:

Fiery Red
Cool Blue
Golden Yellow
Vivid Orange
Royal Purple
Chocolate Brown
Baby Pink
Mesmerizing Turquoise

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Sources of pictures


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