Dismissing things as 'judgmental'. So what if it is judgmental?

When people refer to something as "judgmental" in response to what someone said, they act as if it's some valid logical response to invalidate or dismiss a statement. But it isn't. Being judgmental is making judgments, passing judgment, being critical. Anything relating to judgment is judgmental.


Sure, some judgments can be flawed. OK, then make the point that they are flawed. Someone can call someone else "judgmental" even if that someone else is right. Calling out something as "judgmental" doesn't accomplish anything. All it signals is that you want someone to not say what they said because you don't like it. It's too "critical" and offends you, ok. But was it valid, accurate, correct and true, or false, incorrect and inaccurate? Some people just want everyone to be "nice", for everything to be covered in a superficial positivity mask so that we can all "get along".

If it's just someone being an asshole, mean, troll, abusive, etc., then that is something else. Sure, people can go overboard to blame someone for something. But if they are at fault, then that's a valid judgment because it's accurate. Now, they an get over it and not continue to blame someone who is trying to make up for their mistake, to harp on it, and keep repeating the judgment that doesn't serve any purpose other than to shame someone who recognizes their wrong.

But, if someone doesn't recognize their fault, that they are to blame, that they did something wrong when they did, then trying to get them to acknowledge it by repeating the judgment isn't being a false accuser, or being abusive, or mean, or an asshole. People are allowed to discern reality and let others know what they think (judgment), and better yet to explain their reasoning. Or they can let it go after they point it out once. Maybe no one wants to listen to their argument anyways, so better to use time and energy where it matters more.

What are valid judgments to make? Judgments are about what is right and what is wrong. Judgments are about right and wrong, from ius "right, law" (just) + dicere "to say" (diction). We can talk (say) to ourselves or others about the judgments we make. Hence, being judgmental is making moral judgments. And most people don't like being told when their doing wrongs. That offends them.

So of course, when you tell someone they are doing something wrong, and they don't want to hear it, they are going to pull out the "judgmental" care to try to dismiss, invalidate, ignore, reject or deny what you said. Then they try to make it about you being wrong for daring to judge them: "who do you think you are?", "who are you to judge?" Well I'm me, and I can judge, just like you or anyone else can. That's reality.

We all judge everyday. We're analyzing, criticizing, differentiating, distinguishing, relating, corresponding and comparing. We use our intellect, intuition and conscience to discern, consider, weigh, distinguish, evaluate, asses, diagnose, associate, identify and draw sound conclusions from critical thinking and good sense, to determine what is right, good and true, compared to what is wrong, bad and false.

In a society of mind controlled conditioning to engage in wrongdoings while attempting to fabricate them into "rights," we can see how people like to shout "judgmental" whenever they can. They use this word to attempt to invalidate right from wrong because they are not living in alignment with right, good, truth, love, morality, etc.

People do not like to hear about the wrongs being done in the world, and certainly not about the wrongs they are a part of. So remember, whenever someone calls you "judgmental" because you are pointing out right from wrong, they are just trying to shut you up because they don't want to face what they're doing. It is that simple most of the time.

Anyone, who tries to invalidate or dismiss something you say by labeling it "judgment" or "judgmental" is essentially trying to manipulate you. They have no valid response. It's an attempt to disqualify the validity of what you say through emotional mind control of a word, "judgment", by representing it as a negative and therefore invalidate the argument. The only valid criticism on judgments is when they are 1) incorrect, inaccurate, or 2) based on appearances of other superficial aspects that have nothing to do with right or wrong.

Judging and criticizing someone who judges or criticizes is fine, but don't try to invalidate the right for everyone to judge. That's just a joke on yourself for trying to pull that on someone.

Here is a way to understand the importance of judging in life:

"As a consequence of identifying relationships between these polarized groups of information within different subjects, we also develop the capacity to form a wide-ranging perception of the world that encompasses a wide variety of topics and subjects. It develops within us the ability to take a "global view", much like the way interdisciplinary studies operate within academic institutions. This global view allows us to make connections between seemingly unrelated topics, make judgments, arrive at conclusions, and forecast things that one wouldn't normally be able to make with a more limited view."
- Source

If this interested you, see the previous post on Judgments

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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