Use of Drugs and Sedatives during Trauma-Based Mind Control (Chapter 2.12)

Psychoactive drugs are sometimes used by programmers during ritual abuse.

Typically, the objective of using these drugs is to induce a sense of confusion, disorientation or complete unconsciousness in the child.

Drugs can also be used during trauma-based mind-control to set up an aversion to a drug that could, later in the child's life, have the potential to disrupt or undo the original programming.

Drugs are used on both a local (during abuse) and societal level (in the wider community) to conceal and mask abuse. For example, a child who is sexually abused at home, or within an occult (or hidden) group, may find themselves drugged by the group during ritual abuse, and then later drugged again in their broader society's ritual of prescribing masking-substances such as Ritalin or anti-depressants.

The use of drugs and sedatives in mind-control rituals is, therefore, enacted both within small groups (or 'cults') and then within the larger society (or 'culture'). Those substances which have the potential to help a survivor remember and process their abuse (the 'psychedelic' class of drugs) are, conversely, outlawed.

Survivors of trauma-based mind-control often find themselves lost in a pharmaceutical-industrial complex. The source of the survivor's pain remains forever hidden, while they are encouraged to imbibe a cocktail of prescription medications from a local pharmaceutical-bartender, a person whom their society refers to as a 'doctor'.


A ritually-abused child is often aversion-conditioned against using cannabis. This is coded when the smell of cannabis is combined with torture. This association sets up a classic operant-conditioning program, where the child will subconsciously associate cannabis with severe pain. As a consequence, the adult survivor of ritual abuse will be averse to cannabis and their abuser's objective will have been met: The survivor will avoid using the very tool which could assist in their deprogramming.

An important caveat must be made at this point: The authors of this book are not implying that smoking cannabis is a simple, universal solution to undoing mind-control programming.

Partly, this is because the supply chains for cannabis in many regions do not ensure access to gentle strains that are good for deprogramming work. It is also a complex undertaking to heal with cannabis: We have found, in our studies, that cannabis is not enough alone to precipitate the de-programming of a complex system of alters in the psyche of a ritually abused human. In some cases, used incautiously, without adequate support and a clear intention, it can makes things worse.

However, it is known that cannabis can provide an extremely useful adjunct during therapy sessions with more powerful psychedelics. More significantly, it can be used between therapy sessions to calm the symptoms of complex-post-traumatic-stress-disorder (C-PTSD). The value of cannabis as a relaxant and pain-management tool makes it one of the safest and most natural means by which a survivor of ritual abuse can self-medicate themselves during a recovery phase.

Clearly, many occult groups are aware of the potential of cannabis to disrupt and undo the programming of the abusive group. For this reason, cannabis may be introduced as an additional component during ritual abuse 'ceremonies'. This method of programming often installs a life-long fear of cannabis into the survivor.

Specific, known examples of such cannabis aversion-programming include, at the most basic level, simply creating cannabis smoke in the room in which the child is being abused. However, more elaborate programming set-ups may be engineered to guarantee a strong and permanent aversion. One example of such a set-up is where cannabis is introduced into the burial ritual (previously described in Chapter 2.3). Often the burial ritual will include a breathing-pipe attached to the coffin or container that the child is buried in. This breathing pipe provides air-flow from the surface, and is designed to ensure that the child remains alive until the abusers 'rescue' the child — creating the important trauma-bond that is one objective of the ritual.

During the period in which the child is buried, abusers seeking to create an aversion to cannabis, will propel cannabis smoke down this breathing tube in a controlled manner. The objective of this is to induce fear of suffocation in the child, who is overwhelmed by the density of smoke that begins to gather in the buried container or coffin. This smoke, coupled with the existential panic of live-burial, sets up another layer of trauma in the child's nervous-system, typically causing another split in the psyche, and guaranteeing an aversion to cannabis which will often last for the rest of the life of the survivor.

This is the objective of many groups: To create in the child aversions to any drug that may help their adult-self recover from the abuse and reverse their programming.


Alcohol, which is known to be the most dangerous social drug in the world, is often used during ritual-abuse programming rituals. The function of alcohol in mainstream society is well-known: It is a popular depressant that contracts consciousness and dis-incentivizes self-sovereignty. As such, it is retailed directly by State-certificated drug-dealers.

During ritual abuse, Alcohol serves much the same purpose: Alcohol lowers consciousness and therefore reduces the capacity of perpetrators to reflect on their actions. Alcohol also — when used on children — reduces the capacity of the child to resist violence, or to fully recall abuse.

Typically, abusive groups use alcohol to numb both themselves and the children they abuse. Alcohol has no known scientific benefits to the human organism (despite regular propaganda to the contrary) but, in the context of a society where abuse is widely perpetrated, alcohol serves a vital function in masking abuse, both during its perpetration and in the aftermath. Many survivors will, in fact, continue their use of alcohol into adulthood; sometimes to the point of suicide. Both the abusive cult and the survivor's 'culture' encourages such self-abuse because the process of 'forgetting' which alcohol catalyses, is an essential mechanism in any society that ritually abuses its children on such a scale as is practiced on early 21st Century Earth.

Alcohol is also an essential means by which governmental power retains its control. This is because alcohol severely reduces lucidity in the citizenry. In other words: Power requires that we ignore its tyranny and alcohol enables that ignorance.

Alcohol is the balm that tyrants spread across the towns and villages of their realm, and has been for many centuries. Just as the British introduced opium to China for the purposes of political domination, so too has alcohol been used, on a much wider scale, to dominate the global citizenry. Sadly, what is familiar is often overlooked: And alcohol has woven itself into the fabric of our wounded societies so deeply, that few can remember, or care to investigate, why so many governments would be selling it with such fervour.

Alcohol is readily available in most countries, and is a popular tool that abusers use to disarm their targets.


Psychedelic drugs like LSD are also known to have been used during ritual abuse. Most famously, LSD was a focal substance in the MKULTRA project run by the US Government. Documentation on this project reports that scientists with MKULTRA would undertake such ramshackle and nefarious schemes as using prosititutes to coax men off the street and into hotel rooms with two-way mirrors on the walls. Government agents (bizarre though this will sound, this is well documented) would then instruct the prostitutes to drug the unsuspecting men with LSD. The agents would then watch the consequences of this drugging from behind the two-way mirrors.

Numerous ethically-repugnant experiments of this type took place during the MKULTRA project and many involved torture, coercion and abuse enacted on both children and adults. The wealth of documentation on this project provides us with a unique insight into the way that ritual abuse groups (and indeed, the US Government could be categorized as one such group) have used psychedelics in an attempt to program the human nervous system.

LSD is sometimes used during ritual-abuse for the purposes of causing deep disorientation in a child. However, it is not known to be a particularly useful tool for programmers as the effect is unpredictable. Another reason for the infrequent use of classic psychedelics by abusers is that these substances typically elevate and expand consciousness — this makes it statistically less likely that a person with experience in psychedelic use would choose to use the substances malevolently. However, this is no guarantee and the authors are aware of many occasions on which psychedelics have been used by those who call themselves priests, shaman, or gurus, to disarm and then abuse both children and adults. The most prominent examples of this being the ayahuasca scene.


Ayahuasca, touted as a miracle cure to ailments such as 'depression', in many ways truly does meet the claims of its promoters. However, as with any powerful tool — a surgical knife, for example — the success of ayahuasca as a healing tool is principally about who wields the tool, how, and where. A recent revival in interest in ayahuasca has resulted the increased use of the substance as a pretext to lure unsuspecting seekers into the lair of a bad shaman, or crooked guru. For the purposes of this book — which focuses on trauma-based mind-control — we feel this is sufficient information on ayahuasca for this chapter as it is not widely known to be used as a primary drug in organized child-abuse cults. It is however, a powerful healing tool, and we will return to the topic in Chapter 7: Using Healing Medicines.


Sedatives are the most commonly used drug type during trauma-based mind-control programming. Sedatives are designed to render the human organism unconscious, or near unconscious. Sedatives are typically used before and/or after abuse, and provide a means by which abuser can transit children to or away from ceremonies or conditioning centres.

The Master Psychologists also use sedatives as part of rituals designed to scare and split the child. A child may be sedated at bedtime — the sedative hidden in a nighttime drink — and then left to apparently 'fall asleep'. The child will then find themselves awake in an abusive scenario, be drugged again once the ritual is complete, and returned to bed. The child is subsequently told they were dreaming if they report knowledge of the ritual during the day.

Another known example of the use of sedatives in trauma-based mind-control programs is the combined use of sedatives and the burial ritual described in Chapter 2.3. One way in which this is practiced is that the child is drugged before bed, buried in the coffin or box; wakes up in the confined space; is released from the coffin in an underground space and subjected to further operant conditioning routines. Known additional routines include the abusers dressing up as the figure of 'Death' or 'The Devil' and issuing instructions to the child. Often this will be done if the child has spoken out about the abuse during the day. The character of 'Death' — who is, in fact, a costumed abuser — will permit the child to return to the world of the living if they never speak out about the abusive group again.

After capitulating, the child is then drugged again, returned to the coffin and either returned to their bed, or released from the burial site in the morning. This may be repeated many times, depending on the resistance of the child and the frequency with which they speak out about the abuse. The ritual is repeated until the child no longer speaks out. At this point, the abusers have been fully installed as perpetrator-introjects in the child's mind. The child will now have an alter part in their psyche who threatens them and prevents them speaking out on pain of burial. In short: The abuser outside them has been installed as a programming routine inside them. The external reinforcement is no longer required and the child will self-censor, until the end of their life, unless deprogrammed.

We have direct reports of rituals where children were buried, subjected to costumed performances of folk-fantasy figures chastising them for speaking out, and then buried again and finally released. This is a good example of trauma-based programming and the programmer's objective was clearly to insert more code into an already deeply-tramatizing subroutine. In other words, the burial ritual itself causes a split in the child, then another split in the psyche (caused by the threatening dressed-up figures) is made in the midst of the first split. This creates two-layers of subdivision in the architecture of the mind related to this event: First, the trauma of burial, second the trauma of the torment by abusers during the temporary release from the coffin mid-way through the abuse.

Thank you for reading. Let us know if you are aware of the use of other drugs used during mind-control programming and we'll include them in the book. In the next chapter we will explore the use of music during mind-control programming.

You can read the next section of this book here.

Previously published sections:

Chapter 1
1.0 Our village is sick
1.1 What is Mind control?
1.2 Engineered Ignorance of the Occult
1.3 The History of Mind Control
2.0, 2.1 Splitting and Spinning
2.2 Near-drowning
2.3 Live burials
2.4 Use of animals and insects
2.5 Association of creativity with pain
2.6 Use of electric shocks as a programming method
2.7 Ritual Murders and their Meaning
2.8 (Part I) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.8 (Part II) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.9 (Part I) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.9 (Part II) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.10 Masks and costumes as common features in trauma-based conditioning
2.11 Food deprivation as a popular technique used by mind-control programmers


If you are reading this sometime in the distant future, please be aware that this is a draft chapter section from the book Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms: Understanding and Deprogramming Trauma-Based Mind-Control systems which may now be available as a complete and finished book. It will contain much more detail and an updated text. Try searching for it online.

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