Splits in the internal-landscape of mind-control survivors (Chapter 2.16)

Splitting and comparmentalizing saves the lives of many survivors.

This emergency adaptation in the human psyche is the primary means by which a survivor of trauma-based mind-control tolerates their abuse. When a person is subjected to extreme abuse, a 'snapshot' of the mind, at this point, is split-off from awareness and sequestered away from waking-consciousness. This is akin to a memory-dump in a computer operating system. The definition of this process, in a computing system, is:

"A memory dump is a process in which the contents of memory are displayed and stored in case of an application or system crash. Memory dump helps software developers and system administrators to diagnose, identify and resolve the problem that led to application or system failure." — Technopedia

Any experience which overwhelms a human's nervous system, to the point of threatening the continued functioning of the entire organism, is split-off into a subsection of the mind — or 'memory dumped' — analogous to being sealed off in a hidden room, with a secret door. This is a basic defensive structure in the human psyche.

As with a computer system, this split 'alter' or 'memory dump' at the time of trauma is accessible later under certain therapeutic conditions and can be healed. However, unlike the computer's memory-dump, split off aspects of the human psyche are capable of independent thought and feeling; operating like holographic sub-parts of the entire mind. When healing these parts, the survivor will often describe literally meeting themselves as a child again, and letting these split-off aspects back into their 'heart' or into Normal Waking Consciousness.

The functional purpose of this splitting is to prevent overwhelming feelings of terror and pain from flooding a person's nervous system to the point of total systemic failure. However, for the trauma-based mind-control programmer, these part-selves are the building-blocks with which a complex system of coding can be architected. The malevolent objective of the programmer is to create splits in a child, and then code the part-selves created with different operational-functions to serve the purposes of the perpetrating group. Often these splits are maintained for the entirety of the survivor's life.

Unless the survivor take steps to heal.

The Ship Metaphor

A useful metaphor for the split psyche is to imagine a ship which has hit the rocks of a coastline. Part of the ship's hull are now filled with water, and the entire vessel threatens to capsize.

In response, the ship's crew will use bulkhead doors in the ship to compartmentalize the flooded section of the ship and seal the flood water into a limited area of the vessel. The ship may then continue to sail, albeit with reduced speed and mobility. This metaphor almost exactly describes what happens in the brain when the human organism 'hits the rocks' of violent trauma-based mind control.

To continue with our ship analogy, the sealed-off section of the 'ship' (or 'brain') will likely contain crew-members who are now trapped on the 'wrong' side of the watertight doors. The remaining sailors, having also experienced trauma, will seek to keep the doors shut indefinitely, for fear of both the floodwater behind the doors destroying the ship, and fear of confronting the, presumably, dead-bodies of their former crew-mates.

Opening these 'floodgate doors' and confronting the 'sailors' who were trapped behind them is precisely the process of recovery that a survivor of trauma-based mind-control must go through in order to fully heal. Parts of the survivors' self, known as 'part-selves' or 'alters', are typically isolated in regions of the brain architecture that are sealed off from normal-waking-consciousness. Often these sealed-off part-selves are children — this is because they were, as children, separated from the main body of a person's consciousness in childhood on account of extreme trauma.

Extending this metaphor of a ship

The damaged ship (or 'brain') must come into dry-dock (or 'therapeutic space') so that engineers can open the flood-gate doors, release the dangerous quantities of water that lie behind these doors, and tend to the wounds of the sailors who were trapped in the flooded space. This process, for a survivor of ritual abuse, is a huge operation, requiring considerable bravery and motivation to accomplish.

Most 'ships' (or 'survivors') damaged in this way do not make it into harbor, but sink in the 'ocean' . For survivors, this 'sinking' presents itself as profound depression, anxiety, drug addiction and suicide.

Splitting and compartmentalization in the human psyche is even more complex than this metaphor of the damaged ship. There are added factors to consider.

Perpetrator-introjects and Projector-persecutors

In addition to holes in the 'hull' of the survivor, and 'flooded' rooms containing child alters, there is also the issue of perpetrator introjects.

The metaphorical 'ship' that a survivor sails around in is also likely to include 'crew members' or 'part selves' who are confused, angry, violent and domineering. These parts will seek to actively sabotage the healing process. To continue the ship metaphor: This is because many of these parts feel that opening the floodgate-doors is forbidden on pain-of-violence, or that opening the doors will destroy the alters and the survivor.

Negotiating with these — often aggressive — crew-members; convincing the nebula of alters to open the flood-gate doors; and tending to the wounded who emerge from behind the doors, is an enormous political feat.

Naturally, this integration process all takes place within the internal-landscape of the survivor and, to the outside world, it may appear as if very little is going on. However, the unhealed-survivor is, consciously or not, in a constant state of internal negotiation with various 'alters' or 'crew members' who take control of the 'ship' at various times depending on the environment and its related triggers.

Splitting is the objective of trauma-based mind-control programming

Splitting the child's psyche is the specific intention of abusers: It is possible, through trauma-based conditioning methods to fracture a child's self-concept along many boundary lines.

To sketch a map of some survivors' dissassociative identity disorder (DID) systems, you might end up with something resembling a smashed hologram — a spider's web of cracked glass, where hundreds of tiny tributaries divide the mind into a patchwork of sealed rooms.

It is in the scientific nature of a hologram that each smashed piece still contains the entire image that was photographed, however from a reduced number of angles.

This analogy of the hologram explains why a survivor's normal-waking-consciousness might hold a reasonably coherent picture of childhood, without any jarring gaps. Yet, on closer examination, the clinician will discover that the survivor's 'host' or 'main' personality does not actually have a complete picture of the survivor's biography. Many angles of many scenes are missing.

These missing angles of biographical history can be recovered through work with the traumatic material.

In many cases, after months of work, the survivor begins to join the shattered hologram of their past back together — the survivor slowly perceives their biography from a more complete range of angles. Each part-self that has split off from normal-waking-consciousness slowly learns to trust the entire system and create new connections with the psyche as a whole.

This process is called 'integration'.

The objective of trauma-based mind-control programmers is to create splits in the psyche of a human test-subject and to install programming into these alters. This is programming which cannot be detected by the survivor, or those surrounding them. Each split-off alter may be programmed to respond to specific triggers — be this phrases, words, particular music, or symbols. These triggers will then be used by the programmers to force the survivor into behaviours that have been programmed by the perpetrating groups. Triggers can remain operational years, or even decades, after the original abuse. Such is the nature of operant-conditioning.

Alters may be programmed to attack the system if total-recall of the original programming begins to take place, and other alters may even be programmed to cause the survivor to suicide in the event of certain programmed safe-guards in the internal system being compromised. A programmed system may include many protective alters who have been coded to destroy the survivor rather than compromise the perpetrating group.

For example, one survivor found themselves unconsciously setting up a situation in which they sealed gaps in their bathroom door, entered the room, and then burned significant volumes of incense. This was done with the conscious objective of creating a 'meditation space' in which to further 'heal'. However it actually served the unconscious purpose of blindly re-enacting a ritual in which the survivor had been nearly asphyxiated as a child by smoke in an enclosed space, as punishment for speaking out.

A perpetrator-introject in the survivor's system was simply punishing the adult-survivor for moving closer to healing themselves — something that would both threaten the existence of this violent alter, and risk an overwhelming affect-storm flooding the nervous system.

It is important, therefore, to remain aware that a survivor's 'natural instinct' in how to 'heal' themselves may — at least initially — simply represent the playing-out of programmed routines which lead the survivor back to the perpetrating group for further abuse. Or, that alters in the system attempt to disguise self-harm or self-termination routines as 'healing' ceremonies. This is equally true in broader society, where many gurus, shaman and priests are, sadly, representatives of the same ideology the survivor is trying to escape from.

Many survivors have an unconscious compulsion to return to their abusers, or similar occult groups, when they begin to integrate significant memories. This is because they have been programmed to do so.

Becoming friends again: Integrating a shattered mind

Early in the healing process, most survivors begin to understand that the most severe consequence of the trauma they were subjected to is that their mind was split, or shattered, into fragments. Each discrete fragment contains trauma memories and psycho-emotional affect-storms which were 'frozen' at the time of the abuse and seek restitution in the present. They may also contain perpetrator-introjects or 'fail-safe' programming designed to sabotage recovery.

When a split-off part is rejoined — or integrated — into a survivor's main branch of consciousness (generally referred to as 'Normal Waking Consciousness'), this part-self will typically seek to discharge, or 'release', the wide gamut of emotions that originally necessitated the split in the first place.

In other words: Every fractured part of a survivor's psyche — often child alters — will need to feel, express and diffuse all of the overwhelming trauma-induced pain that they felt at the time of the abuse.

Some alters, or part-selves, were likely subjected to extreme abuse, for example violent rape or electo-shock torture. These will be some of the most difficult to integrate. However, the most difficult alters to heal, and rejoin, with Normal Waking Consciousness are those who were forced participants in murder, or those alters who were subjected to 'death' rituals, like the live-burial-programming described in Chapter 2.3.

Psychedelic substances can be used to great advantage when treating DID systems as these chemical tools have the capacity to dismantle barriers between brain-regions. However, it is typically only when a survivor has a strong theoretical grasp of the ways in which they were split that this type of integration work can take place. Entering without a conceptual map is inadvisable and will likely result in 'shipwreck'.

Entering into the landscape of a profoundly fractured psyche and 'smashing down doors' without adequate understanding or respect, can throw the system into chaos and upset an already extremely vulnerable architecture.

To return to our earlier analogy of the damaged ship: Simply throwing open bulkhead doors and charging through into traumatised areas of the psyche, will often result in the rest of the survivors 'crew' drowning along with the clinician in the flood.

Integrating alters in a split and compartmentalized human mind is an undertaking that is as much art as science. It must be done delicately, and with determination and style. Sadly, qualities that cannot be taught, but emerge from experience and love.

You can read the next chapter here.

Previously published sections:

1.0 Our village is sick
1.1 What is Mind control?
1.2 Engineered Ignorance of the Occult
1.3 The History of Mind Control
2.0, 2.1 Splitting and Spinning
2.2 Near-drowning
2.3 Live burials
2.4 Use of animals and insects
2.5 Association of creativity with pain
2.6 Use of electric shocks as a programming method
2.7 Ritual Murders and their Meaning
2.8 (Part I) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.8 (Part II) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.9 (Part I) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.9 (Part II) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.10 Masks and costumes as common features in trauma-based conditioning
2.11 Food deprivation as a popular technique used by mind-control programmers
2.12 Use of Drugs and Sedatives during Trauma-Based Mind Control
2.13 Use of Music in Trauma-Based Mind-Control programs)
2.14 Burning and Cutting in Trauma-Based Mind-control systems
2.15 Indicators of successful mind control


If you are reading this sometime in the distant future, please be aware that this is a draft chapter section from the book Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms: Understanding and Deprogramming Trauma-Based Mind-Control systems which may now be available as a complete and finished book. It will contain much more detail and an updated text. Try searching for it online.

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