EDUCATION: The Three Brain

Hello friends #STEEMIT, this time I will write a super creative post, we will know our brain, I hope you like it and can appreciate and know this topic.

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The human brain consists of three independent brains because each of these has its own intelligence, due to its own individual subjectivity, sense of time and space and its memory. These three brains are the order of evolution and are demoted by The reptilian brain, The limbic and The neocortex

  • THE REPTILIAN BRAIN: is considered as one of the three levels of the evolution of the human brain, regulating the vital functions (respiration, heart rate, blood pressure), primary needs (eating, drinking , reproduction) and primitive behavior (fear, hatred, survival instinct).

  • THE LIMBIC BRAIN: According to MacLean appeared with the most primitive mammals. Its usefulness has to do with learning. If a behavior produces pleasant emotions, we tend to reiterate or try to change our environment to occur again, while if it produces pain we will remember that experience and avoid having to perceive again

  • NEOCORTEX: In this complex structure that exists, there was the ability to learn all the nuances of reality, It could be considered the seat of rationality in our nervous system, as it allows the emergence of systematic and logical thinking, that exists separately from the emotions and how to behave programmed by our biological part

NOTE: The images shown in this publication, are referential only to understand better than what is spoken in the article, if you want to see the source of each of them, I invite you to click on SOURCE OF IMAGE and that link send to where they were taken.

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