Why Steven Pinker is wrong about Linguistic Determinism.

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In his book, The Language Instinct, Steven Pinker has an entire chapter that doesn’t falsify but mocks and ridicules the Theory of Linguistic Determinism. I am a soft Linguistic Determinist. I know that he is wrong and I can prove it, moreover I suspect that he knows he is wrong and this chink in his armor exposes a bias and an agenda.

There are two recent case studies that I will eventually get to that support my falsification of Steven Pinker’s gambit. I would like to ask him how he explains Language Groups having been exposed to useful ideas not adopting and promoting those ideas into future generations. I would also like him to explain how language groups that weren’t exposed to superior knowledge, acquired superior knowledge and Neologisms.

I would like him to explain why Epigenetics is false and why repeated thoughts, words, and actions don’t create Neural Myelination that is passed on to future generations, informing our instincts.

Everybody has an Orienting Response because survival used to be extremely difficult. It has only been relatively easy for the past 300 years. Millions of years of our ancestors survived and passed on their DNA because if something moved in their vicinity they were suspicious and they looked to make sure it wasn’t a poisonous viper, or a sabre tooth tiger.

Two recent studies were done are about deaf people. In one study younger generations of deaf people who have more words for “thinking” were shown a film in which a boy hides a toy in his room and then leaves the room. His brother then enters the room, finds the toy, and hides it someplace else. The first boy then re-enters the room looking for the toy and the deaf observers are asked, “Where will he look for the toy?” The young deaf people know he will look in the place where he left the toy, but older generations of deaf people who have fewer words for “thinking” answered that he will look for the toy where his brother hid it. The same test was performed later after the younger people had been associating with the older deaf people and more of the older deaf people answered the question correctly. This demonstrates that “Words” are “Thought Tools” and your ability to think accurately and correctly is determined by the “Thought Tools” that are available to you and your skill in using them.

The second study was done on a man who was born deaf and was part of a community of other people who were born deaf and never taught sign language. The subject eventually learned sign language and then was asked about how he felt before and after. After years he eventually responded saying he doesn’t like to think about himself before he had language, he can’t remember, and he doesn’t like to associate with the other people who were born without language. They would dance around in front of each other pantomiming things that they had seen but didn’t understand.

All of the new research falsifies the Pseudo-Science that is being promoted by the “Scientific Authorities” Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins, Noam Chomsky, etc, etc. Why is this secret priest class on “PSEUDO-SCIENCE” issuing Ex-Cathedra assertions posthumously? (I think I meant Anonymously)… Because they have an agenda. They are using the Authority they gained as “scientists” to silence any criticism against their New Religion of Scientism. Because they have deviated from the Praxis of the Rational they have also falsified their own authority and become Intellectual Pharisees, issuing Fatwas arbitrarily.
Why are they doing this? Because it is a moral equivocation between cultures. It is the same reason they don’t like the theory of Epigenetics referring to Neural Myelination being past to future generations. They think it is racist to suggest that one language group has different values from another group and that one group’s morals are superior to another. Look for example at the prison systems. Mexicans (especially illegal immigrants) are over represented in the prison population for violent crimes and sex crimes. Of course this isn’t entirely based on Neural Myelination, perhaps they were exposed to it or heard of it as children in Mexico, so it became normal for them. But think of this, we know that epigenetics exists in dogs. A shepherding dog that has never been around sheep can remember how to herd sheep in 30 minutes, sometimes without any instruction. It feels right to chase the sheep. It feels wrong to bite the sheep. If humans are also animals why wouldn’t the same rules apply to us?
In his book, The Language Instinct, Steven Pinker has an entire chapter that doesn’t falsify but mocks and ridicules the Theory of Linguistic Determinism. I am a soft Linguistic Determinist. I know that he is wrong and I can prove it, moreover I suspect that he knows he is wrong and this chink in his armor exposes a bias and an agenda.
There are two recent case studies that I will eventually get to that support my falsification of Steven Pinker’s gambit. I would like to ask him how he explains Language Groups having been exposed to useful ideas not adopting and promoting those ideas into future generations. I would also like him to explain how language groups that weren’t exposed to superior knowledge, acquired superior knowledge and Neologisms.
I would like him to explain why Epigenetics is false and why repeated thoughts, words, and actions don’t create Neural Myelination that is passed on to future generations, informing our instincts.
Everybody has an Orienting Response because survival used to be extremely difficult. It has only been relatively easy for the past 300 years. Millions of years of our ancestors survived and passed on their DNA because if something moved in their vicinity they were suspicious and they looked to make sure it wasn’t a poisonous viper, or a sabre tooth tiger.
Two recent studies were done are about deaf people. In one study younger generations of deaf people who have more words for “thinking” were shown a film in which a boy hides a toy in his room and then leaves the room. His brother then enters the room, finds the toy, and hides it someplace else. The first boy then re-enters the room looking for the toy and the deaf observers are asked, “Where will he look for the toy?” The young deaf people know he will look in the place where he left the toy, but older generations of deaf people who have fewer words for “thinking” answered that he will look for the toy where his brother hid it. The same test was performed later after the younger people had been associating with the older deaf people and more of the older deaf people answered the question correctly. This demonstrates that “Words” are “Thought Tools” and your ability to think accurately and correctly is determined by the “Thought Tools” that are available to you and your skill in using them.
The second study was done on a man who was born deaf and was part of a community of other people who were born deaf and never taught sign language. The subject eventually learned sign language and then was asked about how he felt before and after. After years he eventually responded saying he doesn’t like to think about himself before he had language, he can’t remember, and he doesn’t like to associate with the other people who were born without language. They would dance around in front of each other pantomiming things that they had seen but didn’t understand.

All of the new research falsifies the Pseudo-Science that is being promoted by the “Scientific Authorities” Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins, Noam Chomsky, etc, etc. Why is this secret priest class on “PSEUDO-SCIENCE” issuing Ex-Cathedra assertions posthumously? (I think I meant Anonymously)… Because they have an agenda. They are using the Authority they gained as “scientists” to silence any criticism against their New Religion of Scientism. Because they have deviated from the Praxis of the Rational they have also falsified their own authority and become Intellectual Pharisees, issuing Fatwas arbitrarily.

Why are they doing this? Because it is a moral equivocation between cultures. It is the same reason they don’t like the theory of Epigenetics referring to Neural Myelination being past to future generations. They think it is racist to suggest that one language group has different values from another group and that one group’s morals are superior to another. Look for example at the prison systems. Mexicans (especially illegal immigrants) are over represented in the prison population for violent crimes and sex crimes. Of course this isn’t entirely based on Neural Myelination, perhaps they were exposed to it or heard of it as children in Mexico, so it became normal for them. But think of this, we know that epigenetics exists in dogs. A shepherding dog that has never been around sheep can remember how to herd sheep in 30 minutes, sometimes without any instruction. It feels right to chase the sheep. It feels wrong to bite the sheep. If humans are also animals why wouldn’t the same rules apply to us?

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