Emotional managment

Once upon a time; there was a fat boy who had a lot of pimples on his face, he couldn't really defend himself in school because you see his father did not bring him up as much as his mother. Please don't misunderstand that fat boy just allow yourself to relate to him. He really misses this relation, so he used to think of everyone as his father, sometimes his father is the teacher, sometimes its his bossy friend and sometimes it's his obsessive big brother who wasn't really his brother except that he was older than him and used to walk him and he molested him once.

Where this kid grew up it was normal for kids to have sex play yet when they would go back home his mother would tell him how evil it is to express your sexuality, you can't really blame his mother she is only relaying how she was brought up.

More on that kid later......but for now what did you understand from this story, what assumptions did you make about that kid, did you see yourself in the example written above?

In sufism, voodoo, and other mystical and magickal systems, though some of them are more mystical than magickal like sufism, they approach understanding the mind from the usage of stories. Some would even kill to make sure the story is told in a certain way, some would even would spend years learning how to musically recite the story.

Rather than wondering why the story is that effective and end up landing on the islands of assumption in fear of taking a swim in the ocean of possibility, let us ponder on how to work with stories to make us feel better and hopefully reach beneficial states of consciousness.

The question here to ponder are their malignant states of consciousness, well psychologists would agree on the assumption of a toxic state of consciousness, yes we do all remember that bitch or dickhead we ended up working with who just almost of the time projects his worst self on you and keeps on sodomizing you with that which you are not so you can stay around them as long as possible as they find laziness towards healthier forms of ventilation can I suggest farting!

Now after the momentary derailment from course, did you notice a change in the emotional flow, did you feel a bit lost, caught away from track, because you found relation to what I said or chose to criticize it for lack of professionalism, for lack of balance between informational comparison between polarties or did you stop to wonder why am I using words that sound confusing, or did you stop to wonder why am I assuming that someone is reading this in the first place......or did you feel this or did you feel that.....can you tell me what am I doing in this paragraph.....I am simply ASSUMING and expecting your reaction and in that I am keeping myself far from proceeding due to fear of criticism.

I honestly here waited a while before to "recollect" myself or shall I more accurately describe it....recollect words that I work with to describe the story that I call a self that I believe to be mine for a momentary choice in possibility to inflame a desire in the emotional pattern that I choose to go through.

In the previous paragraph I chose to overcome using possessiveness refraining from the usage of mine except as a form of inaccuracy.

Now this strange way of writing might have ignited criticism or at the same time blocked you with boredom due to the slow earthly charge of persistence I seem to work with. In stories we work with description of emotion in elemental forms and their speed of motion to make it easier for them to be felt by the reader.

Thus could it be easier to find ways to "feel" yourself in a certain flow that pleases you rather than irritates you!

Let's get a bit practical;
I hear a sigh in the background...or at least mine for that matter.

Here is a story so that you can grasp from it a method on how to manage your emotions.

Today a man sat with his parents and his wife was messaging him, he was enjoying his wife's conversation and at the same time having a conversation with his parents. His mother, him being her only son started to "project" the fires of her jealousy on her son and loosely using stories to project her desire bind him him with her possession thus he would feel guilty when he would have the freedom to talk to his wife and thus he would end up projecting the image of his mother's possessiveness on the wife as he was not aware of the mother's game due to his programming that a mother is always an angel or just his submission to his choice of respecting a childish behaviour because of its medium or resource "his mother".

In another version of the story, the son sees through his mother's emotional stages and he prefers to do the same thing an throw an emotional fit to meet a childish behaviour with another childish behaviour. The son feels drained and goes to his wife feeling drained and demanding her attention using the same wave length of emotional communication the wife becomes the mother figure and the man fails to get sexual satisfaction from their intercourse and when he visited is therapist he asked how do you feel about having sex with your mother....Freudian ding ding ding

In another version of the story, the son decides to take his wife on a dinner with him to the parents this ends up with the mother and the wife bickering and the son and the father watching in unconscious state of joy and a conscious state acted guilt. The son goes to the therapist and therapist says "do you see that this fight was fare enough or was it just away for you to feel better about yourself to see people fighting about your value?"

In the last version of the story the son decides to meet his mother's jealousy with compassion and makes a joke about himself being jealous in a similar circumstance and the fires of jealousy are dispersed by the light air of comedy and the body is cooled down by the watery coolness of compassion. The son feels relaxed goes to his wife takes her out on a date and then they both orgasm. The therapist asks him; "did you find love for yourself in this balance, or did you just depend on this cycle to bring you joy."

That's it for now
In the next issue we will talk about the elemental representation of emotions and how to work with story telling as a meditative on going practice to manage your emotions in the most beneficial way yet leaving a bigger part for the awe of life to sweep you with love.

May no order hinder you
May chaos be your authority!

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