Dissociative identity disorder (DID) - Psycho-nalytical Issue #01

Good day guys. Yesterday I was watching a movie with a character suffering from multiple personalities. So I had to go and find out more about it and below is as a result of the result of my findings.

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD),bae6n2y4ip.jpgis a mental illness characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.This is accompanied by memory gaps beyond what would be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.The personalities alternately show in a person's behavior presentations, however, are variable Other problems which often occur in people with DID include borderline personality disorder (BPD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance use disorders, self-harm, or anxiety.
Dissociative disorders involve problems with memory, identity, emotion, perception, behavior and sense of self. Dissociative symptoms can potentially disrupt every area of mental functioning.
Examples of dissociative symptoms include the experience of detachment or feeling as if one is outside one’s body, and loss of memory or amnesia. Dissociative disorders are frequently associated with previous experience of trauma.

There are three types of dissociative disorders:

Dissociative identity disorder
Dissociative amnesia

Depersonalization/derealization disorder


www.wikipedia.com/dissociative identity disorder

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