The Differences Between Depression and Sadness


What are the differences between sadness and depression? Many people seem to confuse these two states of mind.

Sadness is a feeling that usually lasts for short periods of time, while depression is more like a cloud that lingers and influences everything you do and feel. The first is a natural state of mind, while the latter is a psychological disorder.


Sadness is generally associated with some specific external situation. You lost your job, don’t have any money, broke up with your loved one, etc. Depression, on the other hand, makes you feel sad about everything and everyone. It’s as if the whole world turns gray and ugly. Instead of feeling bad because something happened, you just feel bad.

If nothing you do gives you any kind of pleasure, you may have clinical depression. Unlike with mere sadness, doing enjoyable things does not change your mood. Pleasure and excitement are just non-existent.


Depression creates a state of mind in which it’s virtually impossible to escape the dread. Happiness is just impossible, and without enjoyment, there’s no motivation to do anything at all. A sad person can always change what they’re doing or where they are to feel better, but a depressed person has no escape whatsoever. Only with medical help can they find some glimmer of hope.

Depression lasts for weeks or months. If you experience these symptoms for just a few hours or days, you may not have clinical depression.


Depression still has a stigma associated with it, and so do many others mental diseases. If you think you might suffer from depression, please seek professional help. Many people try to dismiss this illness as simple sadness and never ask for help. Long standing, untreated depression often leads to broken families, loss of job, even homelessness and suicide. If you see your life slowly falling apart in a haze of hopelessness and despair, please seek help.

Images from pixabay


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