How to Relax Before Going to Sleep


Stress, preoccupations, nagging thoughts — all this stuff seems to come out at night, right when you’re trying to sleep.

Sleep is fundamental to your health and well-being, so here are a few tips to get you to sleep without problem:


If you’re spending hour after hour tossing and turning in bed, you’ll get out of bed even more tired than before.
When this happens, just get out of bed and do something. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it distracts your brain.
Read a book, look out the window, take a walk in the moonlight.
As soon as all those pesky thoughts disappear from your brain, the sleepiness will return.


Keep a sleeping routine. If you go to bed and wake up at predetermined hours, your body will know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest.


Do some physical exercise before going to bed. No need to overdo-it; just some exercises to relax the muscles. Yoga is great, as you just need a relatively small space in the house.


Your bed is for sleep and make love. Nothing more. Avoid using your laptop, tablet, etc. Even the TV should be avoided. This way your body knows the bed is not a place for working and thinking.


Don’t drink coffee at night. Also, don’t smoke. Try some chamomile tea, if you like the stuff, or maybe a glass of warm milk.


Alcohol messes with your nervous system; avoid drinking it at night. Even if it seems that alcohol will get you to sleep faster, you won’t be able to sleep a truly resting sleep with alcohol in your system.


As with alcohol, sleeping pills may seem an easy and fast solution, but in the long run, bring more problems than they solve.
Quimical solutions often lead to dependency and other health issues. Whenever possible, you should prefer natural solutions.

Sleep Well ;)

Images from pixabay


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