Does Weather Really Affect Mood?

Its been raining here in South Florida for 5 days straight and I am starting to go a little crazy! I've never seen such constant rain before all my years living here. So the question is.. is there a scientific explanation as to why weather affects mood? The answer is yes!

Seasonal Affective Disorder:
A type of depression that occurs during the same season each year. You may have SAD if you felt depressed during the last two winter months, but then feel better in spring and summer.
What causes SAD?

  • May be caused by lack of sunlight
    -upsets your "biological clock" which controls your sleep-wake pattern
    -causes problems with serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood.

Now granted, this is an extreme form of feeling a little down while theres no sun and constant rain (in my case) but it is fascinating how delicate our psyche is and how important sunlight is.

A view from my backyard (pool is about to overflow from all that rain!)

The sun will eventually come out again. Missing those beautiful skies.

Source: webMD

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