Santa Claus. An Introduction To Illusion Based Mindcontrol.

Mindcontrol is real in contrast to what some may think. This post is created to provide a frame work and an understanding to help develop pattern recognition skills to detect illusion based mindcontrol.

The greatest barriers to breach in my opinion to understand what illusion based mindcontrol is, are the following:

  1. Accepting the reality that human beings are programmable and therefore subject to mindcontrol, externally and internally, as a part of human nature.
  2. Removing the preconceived illusions about what mindcontrol is, and be able to align with what mindcontrol really is.

Understanding the mechanics of illusion based mindcontrol, which is a major field of study in itself, is actually not as exotic as it may first sound. Pretty much every single one of us has been engaged in controlling our own mind, others mind or being controlled by others influence through their mind. Illusioned based mindcontrol is concerned with illusion. Illusion is something that is not real, but seems real to the mind. Like an optical illusion seems real to the mind, by cheating the eye, illusion based mind control cheats the imagination to see something that is not there, and is done through dialect and words instead of physical sight and vision.


This post will only be a short introduction to illusion based mindcontrol, which will be done through examination of the childhood lie many are told. The lie that Santa Claus is real.

So let us divide the story and see how the illusion of Santa Claus is made real in the minds of children, so that we can observe how psychogeneric trickery is operating.

The story about Santa Claus will divert and alter a little depending on where we look. The minor details of whether he is wearing a cloak or a suit or a dress is not relevant. What we are interested in is the process of which false information about reality becomes accepted by the mind and thereby altering behavior, through mindcontrol.

The parents of a child is useally the propagator of the story about Santa Claus and will do so, useally due to conformity with the culture they see themselves a part of.

In my case the cultural abstraction of Santa Claus is that he among other things, will give good children presents. Meaning that he is watching you. This is the part of which we will look closer at.

Although it may seem harmless to tell a child about a story where a fat man is handing out presents to good children, it is not. The problem is, if it is presentend as reality and not just a story.

categories of imagination.png

By the missuse of trust earned from a child as a parent, and abusing ones cognitive superiority to lie about how reality works to a child - one can not escape the fact that engagement in external mindcontrol is active. The parents are using fiction, a known myth to induce certain behavioral changes to a child - well knowingly it is falsehood. This is mindcontrol and a negative connotation of it, as it is used for external control by the abuse of knowledge that inverts reality.

The figment (santa) is invoked by bribing (dishonest persuasion) the imagination with presents, where such presents are realized through the conduct of the parents - Claiming it to be Santa Claus.


Untill the illusion is figured out by the child itself, or the parents decide to banish Santa Claus again from the childs imagination, the child will be under influence of the lie and most certainly under the spell of illusion based mindcontrol. Altering "his" behavior by distrupting perception of reality.

The illusion is cast through words where something that is known not to be real, is altered in speech to be real, and thereby affecting the carrier to be in a state of confusion, untill the illusion is dispelled, or not bought into any longer.

Putting a young individual under a spell that already trust you, as you are taking care of them, is easy. Doing it to adults is a bit more complex. But how an illusion is invoked in the mind to control the mind, is simply someone, or a group of people - taking something that is not real and presenting it, like it is real. This is the pattern an illusion must follow. Falsehood needs to disguise itself as being good so that it will not be detected easily. This is done through distraction where in the case of Santa Claus, the distraction is whatever you wish. But first you must do what Santa Claus wills.

In other words. Illusions does not become real just because an individual or group of individuals are acting as media for falsehood. Mum and dad will never be able to summon Santa Claus into reality and manifestation, just like everyone else claiming falsity as truth are nothing but tricksters. Kids playing Indians and cowboys are not summoning the Wild West, Nerds pretending to be Terminator does not summon SkyNet and adults deluded and acting upon an illusion does not summon their mental phantoms, so that they may manifest them in reality. And thats why they surrond themselves with beautiful ideas, myths and try to lure us into believing their altered version of reality by offering "rewards/presents".

What is true in reality is external from the human mind and indifferent of what we think of it. No human being has ever, have now or will ever, be able to manifest unreality into reality (making illusion logical entities).

Not tending to controlling one owns mind will more likely than not, occur that someone else will try control it for us. The scary thing about that is that whoever controls the mind, controls the body.

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