Fuente de la imágen

Many times I have heard many people say that they do not forgive the people who have hurt or caused damage and that motivated me to study what resentment is and what its consequences are.

It is logical that those who impress us in life is impossible to forget, but when someone hurts us repeatedly and we do not see any repentance in that person, we will always be defensive because their actions generated so much distrust that we can not neglect , because it will surely continue to harm us; Nevertheless; When we see that someone who had caused us harm on another occasion and shows repentance, we feel some satisfaction at seeing him recognize the mistakes made. This makes us easily forgive him and "forget" the damage received by that person who is now willing to help us.

All human beings are different because each human being is a different degree of intellectual or spiritual progress and there are no two degrees of progress equal. As we are all equal there are those who do not accept the repentance of the one who once damaged it but now wants to repair that lack.

That rancor that most of the time reaches the degree of hatred, is what will not let it progress neither spiritually nor materially, because hatred is the antithesis of Love and for love is that we progress in all aspects of life Hate darkens our spirit mainly because hatred in the cause of all crimes, from murder to slander and resentment for an advanced degree of hatred, if instead of hating we love, and if instead of holding a grudge we forgive ... Our spirit and that of being that we forgive if they illuminate and reach such a great progress, that both their present and future events are so different from past events, that there is no comparison that makes memory impossible, therefore we should not to feel resentment and much less hatred for the beings that take part in the course of our life, because hate delays the spirit, resentment hardens our soul and torments us life.

Love one another as children of the same father, said the Master Jesus of Nazareth, and that very few have understood in the true sense of the word, love ennobles us, gives us progress and happiness; because love is the law that governs the universe, so that everything that exists is the product of the LOVE of our Universal Creator Father.

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