DID YOU KNOW #6: Top 5 Facts About Anorexia (Raising Awareness Against Eating Disorder)

Anorexia is an eating disorder that means the fear of becoming fat. It is considered to have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. Researches suggests that in the U.S. alone, 1% of american women have anorexia. This statistics is very disturbing and needs real attention. Here's 5 scary facts about anorexia.

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(1) Anorexia Is Prone To Children And Teenagers

Children as young as 8 to 10 years old have shown signs of having anorexia. Teenagers going to puberty are often influenced and triggered to be anorexic. They begin to question their body that lead to being afraid of becoming overweight and having low self-esteem.

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(2) It Changes Your Physical Appearance

Anorexic people adopt harmful eating habits. When they start losing weight drastically, it results to serious health problems. That includes:

  • damage to major organs, especially the brain, heart and kidneys
  • irregular heartbeat
  • lowered blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, and breathing rates
  • sensitivity to cold
  • thinning of bones
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(3) Half Of Anorexic Patients Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Social Phobia

Anorexic people see actresses, models and social media celebrities as their role models. Unfortunately, with high beauty standards this leads to obsession for looks, weight and body image.

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(4) 1 in 5 Anorexia Deaths Is Caused By Suicide

This would mean that 20% of people who suffers from it dies due to suicide and that does not exclude children and adults. The rising trend of celebrity culture and the social media standards we see in instagram, facebook or twitter urges them to go through eating disorder and once they are not able to meet those standards, they resort to suicide.

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(5) Only 10% of People Who Suffer From Anorexia Receive Treatment

This statistics is really alarming. Not only does 20% of people who suffer from anorexia dies but also, the mitigating factor to treat anorexia is very low. This would mean that for every 1 million people who suffers anorexia, only 100,000 who suffers from it are treated.

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Most people suffering anorexia die due to starvation. The number of people having anorexia rises at an alarming rate. This problem has to be addressed and be given high attention before it becomes a norm to the society. If you are someone who suffers from anorexia, remember that you are not alone and help is out there!


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