Mind Your Mind Series - Part 1

While writing this, my mind is pondering on what to write and how I should put my words, what is this 3 lbs of grey matter that controls and regulates all our body functions to phobias and sensations we feel. 

It is this brain that make us conscious about our self and our emotions. So how mind is different from brain? what is the mind?  It is usually defined as the faculty of an entity's thoughts and consciousness. It holds the power of imagination, recognition, and appreciation, and is responsible for processing feelings and emotions, resulting in attitudes and actions

According to scientists, it comprises of unconscious, subconscious and conscious parts of mind.

They believe, 90 percent of our actions are due to our subconscious mind. As we age, we become more on autopilot and relying more on our past actions stored in the subconscious mind.

For e.g, you may have noticed while driving that you are no longer actively focusing on 'how to' and 'when to' of driving because your subconscious has all the past memories stored in via electrical impulses. You may often found yourself wandering about other things while driving it.

Millions of books are written on self improvement and always end with common saying, change your thoughts and it will change your reality.

In this series, I will be exploring all the latest research on human mind specifically on subconscious mind and how to get best out of the knowledge we know as of yet. 

I am looking forward to see what you think about the topic.

Suggestions are welcome.

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