Relationship of Sociology with Political Science, Economics and Psychology

Here is a definition of some sociological relationships with political science, economics and psychology that we need to know together.

Relationship of Sociology with Political Science

Political science learns one side of society's life which is about power, that is power, power, power, how to obstruct the use of power, and so on.

Here, the term "politics" is different from the political term used daily, which is interpreted to be in support of as a state power penalty which is not a misnomer as the study is science but is art. Sociology focuses on the general side of society and seeks to derive its general patterns.

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Relationship of Sociology with Economics

Economics essentially studies human endeavors to meet the material needs of materials with limited availability. Clearly, it deals with the problem of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. For example, economics seeks to solve the problems that arise because of the unbalanced supply of food with the population, and learn the effort to raise production and meet the needs of society.

Sociology studies the elements of society as a whole. In it, sociology looks at how humans interact, work together, compete, and so on in their efforts to fulfill their needs.

Relationship of Sociology with Psychology

Here, the notion of psychology and psychology is the same. Both branches of the social science of noodles have a greater difference than between sociology and anthropology. The science of the soul investigates the individual about the behavior, the level of intelligence, ability, memory, ideals, disappointments, soul kesesan, and so forth.

Social psychology is the branch of psychology. Clearly, psychology is divided into general psychology and special psychology. General psychology aims to investigate and explain human activities in general whereas special psychology aims to explain and investigate the special side of the soul.

Among these branches of special psychology there is a social psychology that describes and explains human activities, especially those related to social situations. Social situations are situations where there is interaction between people and people or between people and their cultural outcomes (Dr. WA Gerungan, Dipi Psy , Social Psychology , him 32-33).

Thus, social psycho- sociology carries out individual behaviors in common life, such as association and personality formation, studying the experiences and behaviors of individuals who have been influenced by social situations.

The method is also different, psychological investigation done in the laboratory while the investigation of sociology diiakukan daiam community. However, the two meet you in the field of social psychology or social science. There is a flow that tries to describe social phenomena or social gejaia and psychological angle, that is trying to explain the factors of social change on the basis of a certain understanding that was developed in ilmujiwa, for example psychology in sociology.

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