Major change is in the Air | Psychedelic Age 2.0 incoming


I have just returned from my first psy festival this year and taken in culmination with my recent moves into a new era of my life and all the feedback by friends and loved ones making similar transitions I can somewhat safely say that energetics have changed drastically and that things want out, to come to the surface - things we have long forgotten or shut the door on. Not so much "things" as perspectives on things.

And to my amazement, psychedelics and the conscious opening up of one's perception of the happening (what we call 'reality') seems to be ever-increasing to degrees that I would not have deemed possible in recent years...

As I have yet to write about in more detail in the coming days, psychedelics have made somewhat of a strong but long-overdue comeback, not only into my life but into that of my close friends. It's almost like the mushrooms want to be heard - an almost palpable attraction to go into dialogue with them and other similar compounds is increasing while the doses keep decreasing constantly as more information is relayed through less and less of a physical medium. It feels like less translation is needed between psychedelic tools and the human mind as compared to mere years ago...

Being on the psychedelic playground that is Antaris festival was a strong and impactful experience and for a moment I was thankful that I merely microdosed that day - sensory and information overload as humanity and the conscious field seem to come closer to a threshold of some kind.

What that threshold is I am not sure about but I do notice these patterns lately and with the tornado of change that has been gripping my life and that of my close human beings of all relationship types, I would almost bet that some sort of new psychedelic age is upon us and right around the corner.

Not because it is prescribed or hyped by the same old gang using it for their own purposes but rather: Because we may finally be mature enough to handle the truth and interpret it in our own way, without any human priests, coercion or blind faith in self-appointed authorities.

If the psychedelics call you do take all necessary precautions and be responsible AND: You actually may want to heed their call. I think they want to show us something we have been putting off for way too long <3


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