Four things a Muslim can do to support Palestine

Four things a Muslim can do to support Palestine

1. Making sincere Dua :

      never underestimate the power of weeping and supplicating to Allah ! 
      pray for the safety of its people and for the ability to go there one day.

2.Importance Palestine :

        Teach yourself and your family about the importance of Palestine.
        The land of Al-sham and Palestine especially,have special significance
        in the stories of all our prophets.learn there stories and your love for 
        Palestine will grow.

3.Raise Awareness:

        About the oppression and the significance of Palestine,in as may ways as 
        possible.  But remember sincerity is key in all of  your effort.

4.Your deed affect:

         your deed affect rest of ummah "surely Allah does not change the condition
         of people until they change what is in there heart". Qur'an 13:11

Dont forget the rest of the Ummah in your prayer

Feel free to copy this text dont because it is written by some else, it is because the massage should be spread around the globe

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