Fascists sharing my videos on 4chan.

Today I opened up YouTube editor and found the bulk of views on my channel are coming from 4chan.

If you are unaware of what this information implies, then let me tell you. This means that the far right extremists who haunt 4chan are following my YouTube. They are talking about me and viewing my work. Further, it means that my life could be in danger.

4chan has been used by hate groups to compile their kill lists and organize their goon squads. 4chan has knowingly created a safe space for white racists to gather and share their hate filled propaganda. 4chan is where numerous manifestos were posted by shooters who would later go on murder sprees in synagogues and mosques.

I am not directly fearing for my life at the moment, but it is very alarming to see the size of my 4chan viewers.

I regularly state this, I love my life and would never take my own life. I drive safely and wear my seatbelt. I am very careful about who I trust and let into my life. If for any alleged reason I end up dead, remember this post.

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