whats on your mind - ending may vary

so many things ....
let's grab a page
snowpiercer - make a contest,
on 'ai engine design' - art - i want to, work out how the moving parts would work, similar to how its theorized to have wqorked
in the intro to, we kinda see schematics ..
to me i have the transformers 'whirr' sound XD
.. trails off..
(guest was telling a story that i obvs wasn't listening to so threw in this (shortened for context))
my mate was a hacker.. for thrills ...
similar to a drug ... just sniffed your packets
last nights words sinking in ..

take your time dun .. formulate
work the words, this is your quiet time.


to paraphrase the issue
if i feel like im talking for too long, i shut down.

that my monkey brained head is essentially also the monkeys typing of babel

brain - ooh, bibiloteca - .. oh .. of the bibliography
ooo... origins of words
is similar to bible
meaning account of or transcript
(this was meant to be a query, that i didn't follow up, cos its relevance on my need to fight or fight response is negligible)
... and this is, 5min of my 30 min time allotment ( account for the wpm of brain firings, to the seed in which my internal dialogue can type them

wen hawking screen?

brain - you'll probably absorb some hawking radiation
me - dude u cant say that


ha, that chick got beat.
imagine being so up yourself,
that you had to beat the girl,
whose mum was so up herself,
that she named her daughter
'2nd place now'

.. and we're back ..
ooh, dinner is lamb
have guest. we both have dinners
its lamb
i heard surprised 'ooh, its lamb'
and in out of tone from advert, but still likely to be advert-able. .
"ooh, is that lamb?" came out
(this bit trailed off, as i couldn't find the data set, and was hurried to scribble XD


so, fkn ... ask me something
i may also need a ... how did Crimmy put it . . .


'a personal beeper' - in my head, i read 'hey dun, look at this. someone wrote back in this space
everpresent vishnu hands meme here
btw thats not me kicking shit at her.. i get it ... i totally get it ...
it's hectic, everywhere.
images tell a thousand words, with context ...

i ... i like to communicate ... id love a podium... that ya'll listen to, can playback today, tomorrow, 100 years
it sounds grandiose when typed, but with the intonation also applied, its ... i dunno... the wording of it is too ...
taking more time to describe the '7words george carlin'
baudy saucy raunchy
off colour ...and thats my 2 hrs..(was trying to analyse the analogy of ...
i guess its kinda procrastination of description.
tell me someonce race without telling me their color (eyes hair, skin, etc)
k thanks bye
*meal went cold scrawling thought

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