from the archives

so, im looking through old text files, and found a post i was working on back in 2018
not sure what was going on at that time
but id assume it was before scammo fk'd off with all my money, or something
anyways, hope u like it.

first stone thrown
ripples n trickles
like baby dribbles

bear ill will
urges to kill
release the krill
blood will spill

sharks are circling

soon a wave
waves cause fear
fear negates trust
daggers thrust

no more sleeps
the angel weeps
3 more words

for i am the muse
in tattered shoes

for the minnow

breathe of life
passes to another
cough and splutter
begins to shudder

i used to think i needed you.
but i dont.
its been a month now.
not a word.
the anger built.
i raised my hand.
it hovered.
but then i let it fall.
to my side.
what good would it do?
you wouldnt defeat me.

instead, i made my own way
i made my own name
i learned to adapt.
because adapting is what i do.
i was a fresh water fish
happy in my pond.
but then the waters got salty.
i had to grow a thicker skin.

the pieces fell into place.
the tides changed.
and now i float.
and i dont even see the water from up here.
do u feel the weight?
the drag down?
the undercurrent rising up?

do u now look behind
weighting for the shark?
the whale?

i thought i needed to do something
to rectify the ills.
but then id be in the same boat.
wondering when the shark would come for ME.
a school-less minnow
left adrift.

how quickly we can sink.
like lead.
to the bottom.

weighting for the crabs
and their little nippers

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